Utah day three. Definitely the best day of our whole trip! We woke up early..... this was a trend while we were in Utah, to bed late, and up early, not so easy. We got everyone all spiffy and ready to go to the temple. Little E looked so cute in his white clothes, I can't even tell you how much fun it was to see him in his sealing outfit.
When we got to the temple, it felt a lot like it did on our wedding day, they usher you around, little old ladies telling you to go this way and that. The only difference is that our wedding was almost 7 years ago and now we have two kids! :) We took the boys into the "nursery" where they got to stay while we changed our clothes. Will was doing a great job, got a little teary when we left him there, but still did wonderful. The temple worker took Eli and his clothes and said she would change him and get him ready for us.
Scott and I went and changed into our clothes and then we waited. I got to wait with my mom in the bride's room. Again, it brought back a lot of memories. I saw another young bride, waiting for her sealing, it was great to reminisce about that day seven years ago! Once everything was ready to go, they called us up to the sealing room. Just outside the dressing room, we got to wait for Will and Eli to be brought to us. When they brought the boys to us, Will was very sad, he didn't want to take his shoes off! He was crying and crying and border line hysterical. I think he had been keeping it all together so well and that was his breaking point. He said "mom, I don't need to take my shoes off! They don't have mud on them!" It was so sweet. I finally just took them off and we headed up to the sealing room.
It was a wonderful sealing, so special and so sweet. Eli did great, he was so tired, but still did great, didn't fuss or cry at all. My dad did a great job as the sealer and I was so happy that he could do it. Will did great too, just sat on his chair and watched everything, a little shy, but quiet, so that was good! :)

We took a couple pictures (down below) and then headed to the church for the blessing. Scott gave Eli a name and blessing and did an amazing job! The Spirit was so strong for us that whole day. It was again, great to see and be with all our families. I feel so lucky to be able to talk to Eli about his special day and his family that loves him and supports him. Of course, we had to snap a few photos so, here they are!

The entire Mortensen family. All six kids, all 11 grandkids and one on the way!
Our little family. Complete. Outside the temple.
Us and both sets of parents/grandparents. Thanks for all your support, we LOVE YOU!!!
My cute cute cute boys. Aren't they handsome?
It wouldn't be a true picture of Will without a funny face these days!
This is my great nephew! Crazy I know. Look how cute he is! These boys are just 9 days apart! In the next picture, if you look close, you can see that Eli and Carver are laughing at each other, it was pretty cute! Go here to see the last time these little men saw each other. Quite the change, I can't believe how they change in just a few months!
Our sweet friends the Labrums.
Our MN (and Utah) friends. Thanks for coming and supporting us guys!! We love you! I especially love the thumbs up from Marcus and Will, they will always be good buddies!
Last but not least, the Mortensen grandkids... minus one that is due any day! Hang in there Kari! Thanks again everyone for coming and supporting us. I know it wasn't easy, a lot of you had to travel and take time off work. I can't even tell you how appreciative we are and how much we love you and think about all of you. Friends included! We felt really blessed on Saturday and had an amazing day. Thank you again!