
hoppy easter!

And "HOPPY" Easter it was!! This Spring in Cleveland has been beautiful. I don't think I've ever experienced a Spring like this. The trees are blossoming and the grass is getting greener and greener. It really has been so pretty. The temperature is perfect too, not too hot, just right. So on Easter SATURDAY :) we really got to enjoy the nice sunny weather. The boys hunted for eggs inside the house to find their Easter basket, and then did an even bigger hunt outside in the back yard with REAL eggs. Will was very excited that the eggs we had dyed earlier in the week were the eggs he was hunting.

Isn't Will's outfit great? He's at that age where is wanting to be very independent.... even down to his clothes choices. Tye dye green Costa Rica shirt with sweats, awesome.
Yep, Eli is still the cutest baby ever. Just thought I'd give you more proof, in case you weren't convinced. He had fun looking for easter eggs too. Or more like watching Will run around like a crazy person.
Eli is growing so fast! He's moves all over the place, and starting to sit up! He eats like a champ.... as you can see. And has been sleeping great. He doesn't wake up to eat, just to get his binki put back in his mouth. He also jabbers and "talks" a lot. He's laughing and smiling and just lovin' life. He's so sweet, our family is lucky to have him!
Here's Will showing off his pro-Easter egg finding skills.

I love this picture. The basket is almost as big as Will, and he's so proud of himself for finding such great eggs. Then there's Eli, just staring at Will like he always does, and then there's my handsome hubby in his bball attire. I love my family, they are the best.
Here's my sweet boys in their Easter PJ's. Aren't they cute? I thought monkies with bananas were perfect. They are two little monkies, and I'm usually going bananas. :) I mostly love their cute bellies and little bums in these PJ's.
Here's my Will, being a goof, and I love it. He takes after his parents, always being goofy. He is constantly saying "Mom! Let's laugh!" So we try to do silly things to make each other laugh, and it works, just a couple of goofy faces and he has me laughing pretty hard.
Yep, I'm lucky. Check out those cheeks. I'm putting this picture up, not because my hair looks so cool, but because everyone always wants to kiss Eli's cheeks. Now you can see that we kiss them enough, plenty for ourselves and enough for everybody else too! They are SO kissable!

1 comment:

Lorinda said...

I love how that green costa rica shirt keeps popping up. Must be a fav...along with those cozy pants. We've adopted the name cozy pants for sweats thanks to funny Will!