I know several of you are confused, most of you had no idea we were even considering adoption. Well, for the past couple of months our lives have been a whirlwind! It has been a crazy, emotional, yet rewarding journey.
For several years now, we've been wanting to add to our family, and last night, it happened! We have the sweetest birthmother we could have asked for. She went in to the hospital to get induced Sunday morning around 9am. At 6pm Sunday night, she was still only at a 2, the baby had moved completely posterior, and was very high. So she had a couple options and after tearfully considering them, she chose to have the baby via C-section. She was very nervous, yet knew that physically and emotionally it was the right thing for her to do.
At around 8:20pm they put me in sterile clothes (per our birthmoms request that I be in attendance. She told me it was my story to tell our little guy when he gets older and it should be me in the room with her), wheeled our little mama into the operating room with me holding her hand and started to get her prepped for surgery. They started the surgery and NO LESS than 5 minutes later, we had a baby. It was an amazing experience to watch and participate in first hand. As I sat behind the curtain with our birthmom, trying to reassure her things were going well and it would be over soon, the doctor leaned over and said "Kara, stand up!" So I stood up and he said "watch!" and then out came my little boy. My first reaction was "Oh my gosh, he has a ton of hair!" my second reaction was "That is MY baby, and he is SO handsome." Then I thought wow, he looks so healthy. Rolls all over, CHUBBY kissable cheeks, and seriously the best curly hair ever. If I pull out one of his wringlets it is like 2 inches long! I love it. Oh and he has LONG fingers and toes. Then I thought "I better shut off the water works and get it together so I can function...." it was a teary moment, for all involved!
Then they pulled me away from our birthmom and I got to watch the baby get cleaned up, sucked out, and then I got to carry him out to show Scott and take him to the nursery. He was the only baby in the nursery so we got to be very involved. The sweet little thing came out thinking he was starving so I fed him a bottle which he guzzled, and from then on he was drunk with happiness. Scott bathed him and he slept through it! What newborn baby sleeps through it's first bath?? Ours apparently. The nurse said "It looks like all you'll have to do to keep him content is feed him!" :)
Here's his stats (then you can enjoy some photos!)
Date of birth Oct. 18
Arrival time 9:09pm
Weight 8lbs. 5oz.
Height 18 inches
Demeanor CUTE CUTE CUTE, and calm.... so far

Savoring every little moment of holding him the night he was born. Those are the most special moments, when they are so new and smell just like a baby should, eyes swollen shut, squirmy little bodies, I love it. This picture above gives you a good shot of his head of hair. I can't keep my fingers out of it. I had to ask our birthmom for special instructions on how to take care of it..... it is going to be interesting! :)

Right after birth, all squishy and wet with the white vernix stuff.

VERY mad that they are poking him around and rolling him from side to side.... I wouldn't like it either Eli!

FINALLY, in mom's arms, can you tell I have a huge grin behind my mask? I forgot that I had it on! I waited for this moment a very long long time, it was not disappointing!

First time with Dad

First bath, after the bottle, slept through the whole thing and even smiled a little when we rubbed his head/hair

Welcome to our family Eli, this is going to be awesome! You have a big brother anxiously waiting to see and hold you.... darn that swine flu, you can't let big brothers visit in the hospital unless you are over 14.