Yep, that's right, I said BEACH. Florida weather is awesome, especially since we came home to below zero weather. Can you believe that? We left 80 degrees and came home to negative temps.... what's up with MN? The beach was so fun, we could have stayed there forever. There is just something about the waves and the sun and the water, it is so fun. But, there are seagulls. These seagulls were CRAZY, they were stealing food out of our hands, it was a little freaky. A little too Alfred Hitchcock for my taste.

A family picture, we had a great day!

Ivie and Scott playing in the waves. Scott is such a good uncle and the kids love him. He was glad Ivie would get in the water, Will didn't want too, he thought it was too cold. They saw a jelly fish though, that was pretty cool, Will really liked it.

A day at the beach would not be complete without someone getting buried, right? Scott took one for the team here and got buried. I seem to have forgotten to take a picture of when we made him look like a mermaid, that was pretty funny.

Scott took Will out to a pier to watch people fishing. I think someone caught a stingray while they were out there. Will loved it, but I think he is watching those freaky seagulls in this picture.

My cute boys, just hanging out at the beach. Check out Ivie in her awesome sunglasses, she is such a doll!

Sandy doritos at the beach, what could be better?

I guess finding really cool seashells could be better.

We came home with a bag full of sea shells from the beach. Will had a great time digging for them. He even found some that remarkably resembled a bottle cap, a wrapper, and styrofoam cup. Pretty cool, good job Will!

The water was pretty chilly, but that didn't keep Caleb and Ivie out of it!! Here's Caleb running away from the waves, right after this, he took a nose dive and drenched his shirt after only being at the beach about 5 minutes. He didn't mind one bit, what a trooper!