My family decided to start the Holidays off right. We rode on the Polar Express! It was awesome. When it is not operating as the Polar Express, it operates as the Heber Creeper. Our family of 44, yes 44 (just siblings and grandkids!) reserved an entire train car for our polar adventure. Before we rode the train, we had dinner and a PJ exchange. Each member of our family gave to another member of the family. The kids loved opening and wearing their PJ's, and I think the adults enjoyed it just as much. I love getting PJ's, that is one of my favorite parts of Christmas!
It was a RULE, or at least a very strong suggestion that you wear your PJ's on the Polar Express, so here are a few of us showing off our cute PJ's. Thanks Jenn!
Mom, GayLynn, McKenzie, Me

And a few more of us...
Taylor (holding the E man), Krista, Mom, GayLynn, McKenzie, Me, and Lisa
Oh, and Will wanted in on the photo too...

All aboard! On the train, happy to be there.... or at least Scott and I were. I have no idea why Will was crying. I'm not sure what his deal is most of the time these days....

To make sure he wasn't crying we had to be sneaky with the pictures....

The entire train car. Can you believe this is what my family looks like? Two parents + 8 children + 8 spouses + 2 married grand-daughters + 2 grand-daughters hubbies + 22 other grandkids + 1 great grandson.

Santa even made an appearance on the train! It was awesome. Will was not afraid at all, in fact he was the happiest when Santa arrived. He even talked to him and told him what he wants for Christmas. It was pretty cute.

On the train they sang songs, had people dressed up as Elves serving us hot chocolate and cookies, a girl dressed up as a reindeer that was making jokes, and that read us the Polar Express. It was such a fun night. We will always remember this fun time as a family. If you are in Utah or even close, you should totally go ride on the Polar Express, the kids LOVED it, and my brothers and sisters had a ton of fun too!