Okay, get excited. Are you excited? I AM EXCITED, here is our new house!! I guess technically it is not OUR house yet, until June. But, we had our inspection today, so as it was getting looked over and inspected, I ran around with my camera and took pictures. I'm pretty sure the people living there thought I was nuts.... which I am, but I LOVE this home.
It was built in the 1940's, and has such a strong, solid, comforting feeling to it. I love the nooks and crannys, the wood floors, the bay windows, the OLD windows, the original door knobs and light fixtures, and the super old basement. I love the red brick, the shutters, and the original slate roof. I also love that we will have a little yard for our kids to run around in, and for our friends to come over and have BBQ's! I love that Scott and I get to start a new chapter of our lives in this house, and that we get to love it, treat it tenderly in it's old age, and make memories here!
You are ALL welcome to come visit, we have LOTS of space, and I'm a really good cook! :) Okay, NOW are you ready for some photos? Here you go, details and all:
The back of the house, don't miss the cute little sun porch!

The front of the house, we told our realtor to stick a HUGE "SOLD" sticker on that sign!

The fireplace, check out that molding. You can't build houses like this anymore, I'm amazed this stuff still exists! I guess it goes to show things were well built!

This is the other side of the front room, do like the bay window? I do, and I don't plan to have any window treatments there, I love the light it offers.

Okay, this is a horrible picture, I'm dumb and don't do photography. Can you see me waving? Well, I had to take a picture of my bathroom sink. Why? Because look how cute and little it is. This is original, people. You literally can't find stuff like this anymore. This sink is bigger than some that we saw, but most houses here, because of there age all have these tiny little sinks in the half baths, I just couldn't get enough of them. There is so much charm to these old homes!

Here's the basement. Don't get scared, it is going to be a fun place for the kiddos. Scott is headed into the storage/laundry/everything room.

A different view of the basement....

This is one end of the storage room, crazy, huh? I think so, it is just like a basement from the "old days!" :) But hey, I don't mind one bit, I get a washer, dryer, dishwasher, and STORAGE SPACE in this home!

Now, here's more of that 1940's charm I was talking about. These door knobs are the best, and the light fixtures are beautiful and vintage. You really have to appreciate the craftsman style of building houses! Aren't they fun, I might have to take steal them if I ever move.

More of the charm. Maybe it doesn't look charming to you, but if you saw it in person, it would. Every light fixture is different and unique like this. Charming, at least I think so.

Once again, more of the charm. A tiny little built in cupboard, and that little white box below it? Yep, a laundry shoot, that goes down three floors all the way to my spooky basement! Yippeee! I can't wait to see what Will throws down this, and the surprises I'll find while doing wash. Now only if they would make something that shot your clothes into the washer, sorted them correctly, washed, folded and put them away, that would be awesome.

The newly remodeled upstairs bathroom. Very pretty. That guy looking in my tub was the inspector, he was a nice fellow, he even checked our water pressure for us. I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot about a home, since now I know the difference between galvanized pipe vs. copper pipe and why one is better. Now if I could only remember which is which.

The master bedroom....

The TWO twin closets in the master bedroom, and see that charming little built in shelf hiding behind the door? Love it.

And this is for all my faithful friends and family who have made it to the end of this post! This is the guest bedroom! With your very own private access to the sun porch. Are you excited to come visit? Did I mention there is also a hot tub at my new house? Did I also mention that we LOVE company? Oh, one more thing, did I mention there is a HUGE mall and a CHEESECAKE factory only blocks from the house? Well, now I mentioned it, and now you can all come visit!

Thanks for sticking with my through my post. You can tell I'm just slightly excited to move to Cleveland. Besides the house, we visited our church and the members are GREAT. Three nurseries, lots of stay-at-home moms doing what I'll be doing, and the neighborhood is full of kids who are always out and about running around. We can walk or bike to the rec center, library, Target, and grocery store! Now, what am I going to do with myself for 2 more months?