For Christmas, I suprised Scott with season tickets to broadway. We got tickets for Grease, Fiddle on the Roof, and Phantom of the Opera. So, last night Scott and I had an awesome date! We went to see Fiddler on the Roof. It was so awesome. Topol, the man who plays Teyve in the movie, was Tevye in the play. He is incredible, he's got to be like 70-75 years old and is still just hopping and dancing around stage. His voice is incredible too. When the play opened, he came out on stage and everyone starting clapping and cheering, before he had even said anything. Needless to say, he stole the show..... actually he pretty much IS the show. We were reading the Play Bill before it started and apparently he has done this show, in this role, over 2500 times. Can you believe that? I can't. It is like second nature to him by now.
Life's Alive In Everything
3 days ago