One of Will's favorite things to do is play in the water. So, on many mornings, this is where Will can be found. Filling up the bathroom sink with bubbles, water, and every sea creature imaginable! He plays and plays for as long as I will let him. Luckily, we don't have to pay utilities or a water bill! :)

My favorite thing is when he takes his shark and starts doing the Jaws shark thing... da dum da dum, etc. Then he "attacks" and the rest of his fish go flying every where!

Can you believe how my little guy is growing up? He's so fun, and getting so big and independent. He very seriously told me yesterday "mom, did you know that sharks are predators?" I love this little boy, he is such a fun part of my life!!
looks like he is easily entertained:) I love the jewelry you wear. Do you make it? wear do you find all your cute beads?
What a darling family!! I loved reading and cathing up on your family. Will is SO big and and I love the grown up conversations he has with you guys. Too cute! Hope all is well!
I seriously miss that little boy. I still hope to live close to you someday. Do you want to come live with us again this summer? :)
Oh my heck! He is growing so fast. I remember when he was in your belly like it was yesterday. I love the shark action. BOYS are seriously so great huh. Ike already growls and I love it.
You know guys, the Udy crew would love to see you if you ever have a spare minute while visiting home. Let us know :)
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