I know it looks like Will is trying to body slam his little cousin, but he is really trying to give hugs and kisses. He LOVED taking his binki and putting it back in his mouth. Zac was such a patient little guy!

Wow - he has toes too! Will thought that was great.

This past week, Will and I had quite the adventure! My dad - Grandpa Hopkins had to come home from their mission to have surgery. So, I decided we better take advantage of them being home and go visit for a few days. It was a fun, crazy, tiring trip. Will did great on both flights to and from Utah. He slept most of the time and the rest of the time, he was showing off, playing with the people next to him and eating cereal. We were lucky to have an extra seat next to us on the way home, Will thought the seatbelt buckle was awesome! While in Utah, we ate at all the yummy places I don't have in MN, played with (carefully) grandpa and grandma, and even made it to Idaho for my nieces baptism. We stayed with my sister Krista. She is always so hospitable, I love staying at her house. Not to mention she has three adorable kiddos. Kayla (6) was Will's favorite, Matt (2) was who Will followed around and copied. Matt even taught Will to say "no way!" - thanks Matt! (j.k) and little baby Zac (6 mo.) Will loved "holding" and hugging and kissing.
Unfortunately our trip wasn't all bliss. Will got croup, bronchitis, and an ear infection all at the same time. He was not a happy camper. Luckily, with a steroid shot, and some antibiotics, he is ALMOST back to his normal happy self. We're still working on getting our rest back and getting used to sleeping in our own beds, but we'll be back to ourselves in no time.
Thanks for the fun trip everybody!!