Graduation was great. It was so exciting to see Scott get recognized for all his hard work. I'm so proud of him and love him so much, I don't think I could ever ask for a better a man to be married to. Great job Scott, I'm proud of you and I feel so blessed to have you a part of my life.
On to the events.... sorry for the picture overload and the random order.
This is not a good picture, but if you look close, you can see Scott walking across the stage after recieving his diploma. It was pretty funny, at both his ceremonies (MHA and MBA) there was a lady at the end of the line squirting Purell into the graduates hands. Thanks Swine Flu, or H1N1 or whatever the heck people call it.

In the morning we attending the MBA graduation ceremony. Because Scott did a dual degree he got to go to two ceremonies. Here he is the happy graduate at his MBA graduation.

The processional - MHA graduation

A little family picture after the ceremony.

The proud parents. We are so lucky to have such wonderful parents! We couldn't have made it through this whole process without the help, love, and support of our wonderful parents (both sets!)

After graduation, we thought we had to take a little photo outside our
little beloved apartment 1029. We sure will miss this place!

This is how Will spent most of the day, either on Dad's shoulders or Grandpa's.

The Minneapolis skyline - from a bridge on campus. MN is beautiful this time of year, it makes me really sad to leave! Can you tell it was a bit windy?

Another family shot after the ceremony......

Scott and a few of his classmates before the processional

Another family photo. Wes and Lorinda and their family were so supportive to come up and spend time with us even though they are in the midst of packing and moving themselves! We love their kids and we are trying not to think about moving so far away from them!

Scott and his buddy Brian - the proud graduates. GOOD JOB GUYS!

A picture of the ladies, I love how Ivie and Norah are both staring at Ainy. She is pretty and they loved her!

A kiss for dad!

Will's favorite way to ride.... he's got a great view from way up there!

Two brothers. Great friends.

Graduation was such a great experience. I know I've already said it a million times, but I feel so blessed right now. We have an amazing family who we just love and can't get enough of, and I'm so proud of Scott. We are happy and life is good! Now.... on to new adventures! I can't wait to get into our house!