So lately we have a streak of wonderful weather. That means that we literally spend ALL day outside, and Will LOVES every minute of it. There are LOTS of little boys here and they play, play, and play and run and run and run, and laugh, and just have a great time outside.
The hard part to all this wonderful playing is that we've been adjusting naps. Every few days Will takes a nap, but it seems like most days he doesn't take one. So, on the days he doesn't nap and we spend all day out side, here's what happens.
5:30p - convince Will that we HAVE to go inside. Lots of whining and crying
5:35 - walking home, the crying REALLY starts.
5:45 - at home, we're washing hands, still screaming because he wants to stay outside and play
5:46 - he sits on the couch and passes out, and can not be woken up no matter how hard I try.
A couple days ago he fell asleep eating dinner, it was pretty funny, I wish I had had my camera handy! SO.... here's some photos, they are pretty self explanatory:
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