We are thankful for so many things, people, and memories we've had. This year, we are thankful for our healthy bodies.... Scott had a horrible sprain the morning on Thanksgiving playing bball with some buddies. We, as well as the doctor were surprised it wasn't broken. We're going on day 4 of the sprain and still not much improvement. On the upside, it has kept us home to have a very relaxing an much needed break from our busy lives.
The day after Thanksgiving, I braved crazy Target to try to find a couple gifts. Then we took the kids to see Madagascar 2. Will loved it, until he fell asleep. It was pretty cute. Then we drove to Lake Pepin WI. It was beautiful. We went to a yummy little cheese shop called Nelson's Creamery. It was worth every bit of the drive. The ice cream was delicious, Will ate a whole bowl himself and was all smiles. I love watching him laugh hysterically at anything Caleb or Ivie says, he LOVES his cousins.... like I said before, that will be the hardest part of moving!

The pre-Thanksgiving activities included lots of talking about Turkey and what we are thankful for. We had a fun FHE on the pilgrims and the Indians and of course, no Thanksgiving is complete without a little Squanto. Here's Will sporting not only his tighty whitey's, but also his official Squanto headress.... of which he helped glue on the feathers. Despite the picture, he actually liked it, he just wasn't in the mood for posing and I wasn't sure how long the feathers were going to last. Also, lately we play a lot of pretend. We pretend we are bears, gorillas, Elasti-girl and Mr. Incredible, and dinosaurs. When Will pretends, he feels like he needs to strip of all his clothes to make it official. It's pretty funny, I think he learned it from the movie Brother Bear and I think the boy in one part is bare-chested.
(This is not a very good picture, but sadly it is the only one we got)
The joys of parenting are never-ending. Will is the love of our lives and is CONSTANTLY making us laugh. We just love watching him, and listening to him say random things. This morning he told me "Jessica (his nursery teacher) told me that the wise men brought lizards to the baby Jesus!" Okay, whatever. Then he told me "Angie (our soon to be MOM! friend) is going to have to squeeze out her baby, huh mom?!) He doesn't hesitate to tell the truth either, whenever he gets in trouble he thoroughly tells me, about 100 times what he did wrong and why he was being naughty. At least he can admit it, right? He told me this afternoon "Mom, you don't sing very good...." I guess he didn't like my opera rendition of some random Christmas song I was singing. Will really loved visiting his cousins, he talks about them non-stop and says "We had fun at Rochester!" He really loves our Christmas tree and our decorations and now refers to our house as "Our Christmas House!" Every morning he asks if we can go downstairs to turn on the Christmas lights.
I love having a child, it really reminds you of how beautifully simple life can be!