M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A, Minnesota, Minnesota, GOOOOO Gophers! That's the cheer. Scott got season BBall tickets with some friends and we went to the opener. I couldn't tell what Will liked more, the popcorn, his sucker (as you can tell from his shirt), or watching Goldy. I'm pretty sure it was Goldy, he would copy everything he did during the whole game. When we finally got close enough for a picture, he couldn't take his eyes off of Goldy and what he was doing.... see him checking out Goldy's "thumbs-up!" We had a blast, it was a great family night.

Here we are with our friends Jessica and Justin Atkinson, fellow AGGIES, I might add!! We had a blast, Will really loves these two. Okay, do you see all the gold and maroon? Talk about school spirit, I need to get with the program. Do you think I could be wearing anything that could clash more with the gophers colors....? C'mon Kara, I thought I had a little more style sense than this, but apparently I didn't realize how important it was to be wearing school colors. Lesson learned.

Saturday, the morning of Scott's b-day, we ate a huge breakfast of pumpkin pancakes, apple cider syrup, bacon, and fruit. Then we threw on some clothes, hopped on the bus and went to the Gophers Homecoming parade. Will loved it. Especially the candy. I thought he would get sick of it from Halloween, but not so! Here he is cheering on the UPS man. Yep, the UPS man was in the parade. Weird. I mean, I love the UPS man when he's bringing me stuff I've ordered on-line or packages or something, but I never thought I'd see him in the parade. I underestimated his importance.

Just chillin' in the leaves, waiting for the bus. Will has been loving his Cobra hat, and his halloween get-up. In fact, he asks to put it on every day, and asks if he can sleep in it. I finally had to peel off the socks yesterday after playing outside so I can wash them.
1 comment:
What a fun night! Thanks for the blog invite. Your blog is so fun. I have been looking back through some of your old posts. Will is the cutest! I can't get over how funny he was the night of the basketball game!
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