Home at last - what a great feeling. Now that I'm home, I finally got to download our pictures from the summer! Yay! So, here you go for picture overload... I'd thought I'd start with some of our highlights in Rochester - mostly things that happened at our apt. Hope you enjoy! Check back soon if you want to see the rest!!
What a stud - he actually likes having these goggles on!

Will's homemade vacuum

Ready for a ride - I wonder who taught him how to climb up here?

Will's first sloppy joe experience

All babies love to stare at themselves - Will included.
he was pretty fascinated with his reflection in the tub...

What do you wish with a bumb on your head? Will's first BIG bump -
the pic doesn't do justice, and the next day, it looked even worse, all black and blue
Will absolutely LOVES playing in water. He loves it even more if it's the
shower and somebody's in there! Who let him in? And whose behind the curtain?
We'll keep you guessing...
(you have to look closely to see two little legs from behind the curtain)