
road trip

Last weekend, we headed south. We met Scott's family in St. George for our Mortensen reunion. It was a blast! We LOVE St. George, always have, always will. It is the perfect little vacation spot. We picked Will up from school and headed out of town. Eli is not the best car traveler, he doesn't like being confined. I guess that is another reason St. George is great for our family, it's not too far away!
 We pulled in at sunset, it was gorgeous. And, who doesn't love palm trees?
 Our first day we spent in the pool. The boys were in heaven and swam all day, even though it was a little chilly! Good thing Aunt Lizzie was so fun and played with them all day. They love Liz and are still talking about how funny she is!

 I got in the water to swim with them to. It was chilly, but we had such a blast! Swimming is the greatest, we love it and I love that my boys love it.

 Popsicles poolside

We did some hiking as well. Will and Eli love being with their cousins no matter what we are doing. The hike was gorgeous. The red rocks are so incredible and I love them!
 A family picture at the tide pools

 Eli loved jumping in the water. Thank heavens for crocs! :)

 The highlight of the hike for the boys was definitely finding and catching tadpoles. They played in this stream for about 45 minutes and loved it. They were doing great until Will accidentally squished one and then he was SO sad. :( He has such a tender little heart.

 Eli tugs at my heart strings like no other. Look at that cute face in his hands. He sits like this alot and it kills me. He's adorable and sweet.... most of the time! ;)
 We took a tour of the Jacob Hamblin home and the Brigham Young home. It was really fun, I love stuff like that and the kids had a great time!

 More swimming!

 The day after we got home was Will's last official day of school. It was the dance festival. The kindergarten did the chicken dance. He did great and looked like the cutest little chicken I've ever seen!

 After school it was back for some fun in the sun at our pool here at our house. We love having the pool! It seriously is the best part about where we live. We had a great afternoon and celebrated being out of school all day long!
 Will also had a little mini-recital for violin as well. He is doing so great at violin, I'm so proud of his progress!
Bring on Summer, we're ready!

1 comment:

Devin and Liz said...

Oh...i loved that post. I miss those kiddos and wish I had more bonding time with them. Makes me sad, but happy to have times like those. Love you guys! We had a blast with everyone. You arrrree sooo grrrreat! (Mirandas voice from YouTube with her bright red lipstick) . She's so good at singing just like me :)