This week has been crazy.... it has really felt like a marathon week. On Wednesday, we headed to the hospital bright and early. Will had to get his tonsils out. He didn't seem too worried or nervous until they called his name to take him back into his room to get him all prepped. As soon as they called his name, he broke down. It was so sad.....
Luckily, there are great people who work at the hospital that really helped him to calm down and be distracted. They changed him into his little gown and then they brought out all sorts of really cool toys to distract him. They had a child life specialist come talk to him all about the surgery and what they would do. Then we got to see the dr. the OR nurses, the anesthesiologist, and the nurse anesthetist. They gave him lots of cool prizes that he got to bring home. A bear from the Dr., a "buddy" doll that he got to draw on, a pillow case, and a brand new blanket. He also got to keep his sleep mask and his blood pressure cuff, plus his cool hospital socks. They also made him a big packet of low key activities that he could do at home while he was resting. They really treated him great.
After he was all ready, they wheeled him away. I started to bawl! He just looked so little and scared and helpless on that big bed. I felt so sad knowing what he was going to wake up to. About 35 minutes later, the dr came in showed me these babies..... (sorry! super gross!)
Then about 10 minutes later, Will was back in the room with me and Scott. I was NOT prepared for how he would be coming out of anesthesia. It was the saddest thing ever. He was freaking out. He was crying and mad and rolling all over his bed and trying to pull out his IV and had no idea what was going on. I was expecting him to be sleeping and out of it, I was not prepared for the sad and angry little guy. Plus the drugs were making his face itch like crazy so he was clawing at his poor little face. He got himself really good on one cheek. Finally I got in bed with him to hold him on my lap and try to calm him down. Once they gave him some lortab he started to calm down a little bit and wake up a little bit more. After he was calmed down and talking to us, he didn't even remember doing all of that. He just kept saying "I just want to go home."
At home. All snuggled up to rest with his hospital goods. He was so sweet, I honestly haven't minded one bit taking care of my little guy for the past few days. It has been exhausting and we are all tired but Will is such a sweet kid, even when he's in pain. We've had to wake up in the middle of night (sometimes twice) in order to give his pain meds, so we are all really tired.
My favorite part is that Eli loves to crawl up on the couch and snuggle by Will. We've been playing lots of Wii, watching lots of movies, and eating lots of "soft" stuff..... yogurt, popsicles, etc. The pain medicine and drugs from the hospital made Will sick the first day and a half. He was throwing up and having a hard time. But once we got things a bit more regulated and got a little food in him, he started doing better....
It has also been a "marathon" week because I was also preparing to run my half marathon. I ran it yesterday and am so proud to say I finished and survived to tell about it! :) It was so much fun, I have caught the running bug for sure. Scott was in charge of this half and did an amazing job. We heard so many great compliments about the race, the course, the time management, the volunteers, the food, etc. I am already looking forward to it next year..... even though I can barely walk or move today. I am SORE.
The race starts up AF canyon at Tibble Fork. I got on the bus at 4am and got up the canyon around 4:30. The race started at 6am. It was so pretty, the sun was barely coming up and it was nice and cool for the first half of the race. The first 7 miles are all down the canyon. The felt like a breeze and I was feeling so good. I was running 9 minute miles when I usually run 12-13 minute miles. Well, then after the canyon, I totally hit a wall. It just got harder and harder for the next five miles. By mile 10, my legs felt like lead and my calves were cramping up horribly. I was limp walking for about 2 miles. Then I ran the last mile.
All said and done, it was really fun. It was such a great environment, all these people out to run for a good cause and everyone just motivated to finish. My brother (above) and the Fords (friends from our neighborhood) ran it with us. My brother did awesome, I took an hour longer to run it then he did! If anyone wants to run it with me next year, let me know!!
Life's Alive In Everything
3 days ago