Seriously, where does my time go? The lack of posting in the past 3-4 weeks hasn't been for lack of things happening around here. My life has been full of school, car pools, regular "wife" duties, finding violin teachers, signing up for athletics, trips to the cabin, etc, etc. (Above) Before we went to the cabin, we trimmed the boys' hair. We took family pictures and wanted them to look clean cut. Eli sat so good, like such a big boy, while Dad trimmed and trimmed, for a good 45 minutes. We've grown Eli's hair out for several months and will do so again, but it was time to cut the tangles out! It gets really hard to manage as it gets longer. One of these days, we'll pay to have something really fun done with it.... until then, he gets a nice Corban Blue (that's what his hair cut is called). Dad did a great job trimming and evening out the edges as well.
(Below) The only pictures we have of our fun-filled weekend at the cabin. We always like to do the "Bear Gulch" hike/walk with the kids. They really love it and this time, Caleb even rode his bike on the trail. Mostly, the kids and especially my boys, just love being outdoors, running, and throwing rocks, every chance they get.

The weather was gorgeous, and as you can see from my stylish rolled up pants, warmer than expected. The days were amazing, warm and sunny. The nights and early mornings were brisk and cool. It was perfect.

Cute kids. Norah, Eli, and Lia, taking a break on the trail. It was so fun to have all the cousins around. Our kids (meaning ALL of the cousins) are so blasted cute and all such fun personalities. It was a party for sure!

Will is a true outdoorsman. Camo shorts, camo hat that is like 10 sizes too big, and his Yellowstone shirt. Love it. And a great thumbs up to boot! Eli's thumbs up cracks me up! (below) But you also get to see a nice shot of his handsome hair cut. I love it, he looks so grown up.

I just love Will's cute face. There are several times a day when his facial expressions remind me of Scott. He is such a joy to have around. And of course (below) there are times when you just HAVE to go..... good thing there were some bushes nearby!

The funniest part was when Norah saw Will going pee in the bushes and she said "I need to go potty too!" And Lorinda said "Let's wait until we get back to the car...." and Norah said "No, there's a bush right there!" It was funny, and coming from Norah, it was even funnier. I love that girl. Her and Will share a birthday you know?! I love that, I wouldn't want Will to share his birthday with anyone else.
The cabin was wonderful as always. Great food, great conversation (until the wee hours of the morning!), and great Conference talks. It is such a peaceful setting and a place where my kids are creating beautiful memories. I feel so blessed!
My boys are growing like weeds. Eli is nearing his 2nd birthday and already pushing out of his 3T clothes. I'm anxious to see his stats at the dr. in a few weeks. Will is doing great in school. He is learning exponentially and I love to hear all that he is doing. He is anxious to begin Jr. Jazz Basketball and wrestling (his choice!). He is also excited to begin violin lessons in a couple weeks. Also his choice.
Life continues to march on and most of the time I have to make myself stop to take a breath. But life is great. We are thoroughly enjoying Fall, going to BYU football games, playing outside as much as possible, and taking drives to see the leaves. We've been busy with family events and visitors and are loving our "own" place more and more. I'm still totally unpacked, but I'm not worried.... I have all winter to work on that!