

Our days have been filled with wonderful sunny days and spending the last few moments of good weather outside! We've enjoyed being together as a family and staying busy with the day to day. But I absolutely love the fall. It is such a rejuvenating time for me! I made cinnamon rolls on Sunday and loved it.... it was the prefect Fall, Sunday afternoon activity!

This past weekend, we went on a hike in the gorgeous mountains. It was a beautiful, chilly evening and the boys had a blast! We hiked up to Stuart Falls, near Sundance, along the Alpine Loop trail. We had a great time and made home just in time for hot chocolate and bedtime!

Will started violin lessons last week! He is already showing signs of becoming a great violinist. I'm so proud of him for wanting to include music in his life and for branching out and trying new things. We really love his teacher, Ms. Gina. She is the prefect match of kindness meets sincerity, meets fun, meets challenging. She's been great with Will.
We just love his little violin and Will is learning more and more about it and enjoying it. Today in violin, he learned how to hold his bow correctly and Ms. Gina says next week he can start on the violin! He's really doing great and moving quickly. We enjoy listening to his violin songs (twinkle rhythms) in the car and have already picked our favorites for him to play!

Autumn also means a field trip to Wheeler farm. We had beautiful weather on the day we visited with Will's class. It felt great to be out in the sunshine. This is Will's friend and classmate, Tyson. They were buddies all day long.
I thought it was SO funny. Our little farmer guide was making the kids be cows.... it was pretty hilarious to watch.
On the wagon ride! We had a really fun day and I enjoyed being with Will's class and getting to know some of his classmates a little better. Will also really enjoyed riding a school bus for the first time! I think that was the highlight of most of the kids day.... for me, it brought back lots of crazy memories! :)
I am loving the weather and cooling temps. I'm feeling productive and busy all at the same time! I've missed my early morning runs, due to some cooling of the weather, but I'm hoping to get back on the horse and brave the weather! I have to admit, as much as I dread getting out of my cozy bed to go run, I always love it when I'm out there and the air is so nice and fresh. Plus it gets me going for the day! We've had a lot of fun celebrating fall and Halloween. I'm ready for it to come and go so I can move on to Thanksgiving, Christmas music, and lots of family time!

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