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pennies for heroes

My brother Mike is one of a kind. I've always admired him for many reasons, and admired his creativity and charitable attitude. He's always doing anonymous things for people who need help, just because he sees a need and takes action. He does random acts of service and work for people year round, involves his kids, and teaches them the ways they can help and serve others.
My brother is also a police officer. He is sort of a "jack of all trades." Has lots of great ideas rolling around in that head of his and takes the time to put them into action. He recently has started a charity. As an officer, in the line of duty, has had several experiences with fellow law officers, fire fighters, and those who defend and honor our country. He's had good experiences as a police officer and has seen some sad experiences as well.
He formed his charity, not to "give a hand out" but to "give a hand up" to the families who have fallen victim to loosing a family member in the line of duty. All he asks is that we donate our pennies, our spare change laying around, or out of our pockets. Imagine what a difference that could make in someone's life? And he's not just handing the money over to the family, he's using it for the things that they desperately need..... house repairs, clothes, food, etc.
He is already working with a family. A widow/mother, who has five children, and is now left without a father/husband. They are in serious need of house repairs, have no dishwasher, no disposal, need new shingles, rain gutters, etc. the list goes on and on. The family is only entitled to a portion of what their father made in the past three years (only 25% of his highest earnings, which won't even be 10,000$ a year).
Among several of his other good ideas, I'm pretty sure this is the best one yet. Let's think about why we enjoy the life that we do, and those who uphold, honor, and support the law that allows us our freedom every single day. Help out because you can, because you care, and because you never know what circumstances you may find your family in one day.
"You can CHANGE lives with the CHANGE in your pocket...."
If you'd like to know more about the family that is being helped or if you would like to support Pennies for Heroes in anyway, either by donating, sending out information, putting a button on your blog, facebook, or twitter go here: www.penniesforheroes.org