
scrub a dub dub

Okay, I know I say it every post, but I don't care, I'm going to say it again. Eli is pretty much the cutest baby ever. He's sitting up so big, jabbers and talks constantly, rolls around to reach for toys, and is just a happy baby. I couldn't resist snapping a few bath tub shots.

I know I'm not a professional when it comes to taking pictures, but you don't need to have professional pictures to capture the cuteness of this child. Look at his beautiful skin, chubby legs and cheeks (both on his bottom and face! :)), and his cute feet.
Scott and I are a little baffled. Eli is big. Heavy. And just all around big. But he doesn't really look big per say. But right now, he's weighing about 22lbs. and is in the 90th % for both height and weight. He's wearing size 12-18 months clothes. But just to look at him, he's not overflowing in rolls like Will was. I guess he's just hefty and solid. It will be interesting to see how grows up......

No matter what, we love him like crazy, and can't help just kissing those cheeks over and over and over.

1 comment:

Grandpa Glenn said...

He really is one of the cutest kids ever! Every child has to have some bathtub pictures in his portfolio!