Day two. I had a slight relapse this morning. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, it is only my second day of getting up earlier. I figured out why I didn't make it out of bed. Two things. Eli slept from 8:30pm to 5am. I know, AWESOME.
But, when you are trying to get out of bed at 6:30, and you just crawled
back in bed at 5:30 from feeding a hungry baby, that one hour just doesn't cut it. I know, I'm wimpy and I should have still gotten up, but oh well.... on to my second excuse. I don't have a car on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so we don't ever go anywhere (during the winter). So, I have absolutely zero motivation to get up and get going.
So there you have it, my excuses. Day 3 will be better, I will get up at 6:30am!
Oh Kara dear, I would feel accomplished if I even considered this goal. You made it one day. Congrats. I am sure that you'll have better luck tomorrow. As for the baby feeding incidence, I would have just barely have fallen asleep at 6:30 from waking up at 5. I always have a hard time falling back to sleep after that :). I am glad Eli and Will are doing so well. I want to see you and meet little Eli. He is adorable.
ugh... i kinda wanna not like you. i wouldnt even tempt that goal... can i have some of your motivarion? PLEASE!? good luck...i am proud of you! PS Your boys are to. die. for. CUTE!
You have way more motivation than I do. I hate waking up early. I have started my workouts during Laryssa morning naps, but I have a feeling those are not going to last much longer. I have thought about getting up before she does, but I just like sleeping in to much! Keep up the good work!!
I wish I had a choice to wake up at 6:30.. Coop wakes up every morning at that time. It does feel good though to get so much accomplished before the rest of the world is awake. Good luck on day 3!
oh, i love to sleep. that is what i want for christmas, valentines day, and my birthday, just sleep! Browen wakes up at 5:30 every morning, but he goes to bed at 5:300 at night. . . so I should go to bed earlier too. Good for you for waking up early of your own free will!
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