It's true, I have a disease that normally occurs in women over 40. I don't know who to thank for it, genetics I guess. We found out a couple weeks ago that I have to get my gall bladder out because I have gallstones. That is such an ugly word... gallstones, why couldn't they name it something more femenine or fun to say? Either way, I have them and they will be taking them out by laproscopy sometime in the next month. I've been having lots of stomach issues and they did an ultrasound and that is what they found, exciting?... not really, but we are relieved to know what it is and that it can be taken care of.
Luckily, I don't feel completely alone, my sister who is only a few years older than me had hers out about a year and half ago. We can be 80 year olds together! Thanks Krista!
Maybe I'll get to post a picture of my "stones" - gross, I won't do it, no matter how tempting!
Slow Start
1 week ago
Oh! My mom had major problems with her gallbladder a few years ago. The only good thing is that once it was gone she felt much better and hasn't had stomach issues since. Good luck!!
FYI: Women are 3:1 more likely to have stones than men. There are three types of stones:
*Cholesterol Stones: these are from abnormal cholesterol, bile salts and lecithin ratios. One major risk is pregnancy
*Pigmentary Stones: These are from calcium bilirubinate. Risk factor is Cirrhosis.
*Brown Stones: not to be confused with a type of home in NYC. These a mixture of the previous two ingredients... this is seen in the far east.
Sorry for boring you with the details. Just thought you would like to know what the heck I do all day.
I'm glad that they found out what it was! I hope that everything goes well and please let us know what we can do to help!
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