After finding pictures on Scott's computer, I thought I would add some to our blog. Just to give you an idea of what Mayo clinic is, I'll give you some facts. Logan Regional Hospital has about 150 beds, LDS hospital in SLC has about 450 beds, the two hospitals that compromise Mayo total about 2000 beds. Mayo has labs, surgery centers, clinics, basically it is it's own medical opus. Mayo was founded by the Mayo brothers for practice, education, and research. So, with that said, here's a few pictures taken by Scott and his intern classmate Kirsten having fun with their Mayo experience.

This is Scott next to a lego model of the Plummer building - this building is incredible, and so is the model... I am positive that somewhere nearby there is a sign that says, in big block letters "DO NOT TOUCH THE MODEL" - Scott, still a kid at heart!
If you can't see what they are pointing at.... it's a bottle of Mayonaise.... go figure. There is a little museum set up at one of the buildings that has all sorts of information about Mayo and it's founders. I have no idea how Mayonaise factors into healthcare - maybe Scott will have a course on that? - Medical mysteries
Don't look too hard - this man is naked. He is portraying Adam, Mayo does have some religion - thanks for keeping yourself fully clothed Scott.
The Mayo brothers:

Kara!! I was so excited to hear from you...isn't it funny how you come across old friends sometimes?
Will is absolutely adorable! I can see a lot of Scott in him. And what a fun adventure you're having. Thanks for letting me see what you're up to!
It is good to see the pictures back on the blog!! I am way sad that Bryan and I missed you guys when you came out, life goes to fast! I miss you tons, and love ya bunches!!!
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