

I know I've been promising pictures when we get back to Minneapolis, but Scott happened to have a picture of our apt. on his laptop. So, for your viewing enjoyment, here is a picture taken from the MAYO building. The building on the right is where Scott's office is - the building on the left is Methodist Hospital, and then the huge, tall, white building is our apt. We live on the 20th floor. There are perks about city style apt. living. We have a maid who cleans once a week (or more if we want), continental breakfast every morning, and we are right down town. So, there are lots of fun places to eat, shop, and take walks. Scott just walks across the street to work and gets to come home for lunch. I'm sure one day we'll be saying "wasn't it great when it only took you 5 minutes to get home...."

Even though the benefits outweight the disadvantages, there are still disadvantages. Because we live downtown, we have to park in a lot about 3-4 blocks away. Now, you are probably saying "Kara, get over it, it is good excersize." I agree, it is great excersize when your trip to the grocery store goes like this:

1. Chase Will around until you can get him to hold still to put on shoes

2. Wrestle Will into his stroller and tell him he gets to push the buttons on the elevator so he'll stop screaming

3. Don't forget the oversized canvas bag to carry groceries, Will's sippy cup, and some type of treat for an emergency

4. Walk the 4 blocks to your car

5. Load Will in the car, then load the stroller, and drive to the store

6. Get the minimum amount possible of groceries while making sure Will doesn't pull everything off the shelves

7. Load back in the car and drive home, park, load Will back in the stroller (this is usually when I need the treats)

8. Load the groceries in the canvas bag.... putting the heavy stuff in the basket of the stroller - if it fits

9. Try to act like the bag isn't heavy while I tote it, and push the stroller four blocks to the apt.

10. Get on the elevator, relieved that I made another successful trip... then do it all again in a few days

Things could be harder, I know that. I should be happy I have food and a nice place to stay, right? I am, really. This has been a great opportunity for Scott, and Will and I have had a lot of fun learning to do things in a different way.


Shae said...

WOW! You are super mom and you have every right to have pity parties! I will think twice about complaining about getting both kids out to my car this week!

brooklin said...

You are a supermom....I would probably do it the easy way and call Fresh Direct to have my food delivered. Who needs exercise? ;) As our Uncle Mark says, "you only have so many heartbeats...why waste them?" Funny thing is....Mark is a doctor....

Jackson Family said...

Nice pictures of Mortdog. It's clear he is living up the mayo lifestyle. Funny that you are living the "metro life style" in little Rochester, MN when you have lived in Minneapolis! We sure miss you guys...

Amy said...

I will never take walking out to my garage to get in the car for granted again :) Sounds like a fun adventure for you guys though!!