Time seems to be flying by! I downloaded a couple pictures off my phone. I found these two of the boys that I forgot I had on there. I love my boys. They are so fun. Lots of work and lots of physical craziness, but still so fun. They have begun fighting. The kind of fighting where they know they are annoying each other and that's why they are doing it. Just to tease each other. It's driving me nuts. Most of the time, I just let them go at it... then they both end up in tears. But in the end, they are still always great friends.
Please don't judge the dirty shirts in the pic above.... it was the end of the day.... They love to wear their baseball hats. They always look so cute with them on.
A couple weekends ago, we headed up to Logan. It is always so fun. Will and Eli just play and play. They love every minute of playing at grandma's, playing with cousins and having a "mini-vacation!" Scott raked up a huge pile of leaves for the boys to jump in. They loved it. Scott would toss them up in the air and they would land in the leaves. Eli was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe, it was awesome. :) They were loving it.
I was so glad I could capture this moment of my boys playing together in the leaves in the brisk Fall air. It is gorgeous in Cache Valley, and so calm and peaceful. It always feels like home when we go up there and it is such a beautiful place. While I was taking pictures of the boys the smell of the leaves made me super nostalgic and made me reminisce when I was a yougin' and used to play outside in the leaves for hours with my sister and friends. Fall is such a magical time of year and so fun for kids. We always had a great time playing in the leaves!
This picture (I know it's not the best of Scott and I and my hair is doing something weird....) we snapped just before the show was starting. Scott and I were able to go see My Fair Lady at the Hale Center Theatre. It was awesome. So fun!! We even got a backstage tour. It was a fun little evening out without the kiddos.
Life is moving right along. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and the holidays! I'm proud to say that my Christmas shopping is D-O-N-E, DONE! Yes, that's right. Everything is bought and tucked away secretly in my bedroom. I may pick up a stocking stuffer here and there, but other than that, everything is ready to go. It is so nice. Now I can focus on doing fun things with my kids and really enjoying the season instead of stressing about gifts. Online shopping totally saved me this year. I love it! I'm really looking forward to the Holidays and menu planning! :) I know, my life revolves around food. I'm also super excited to our fun advent calendar activities with the boys. I'm looking for new fun ideas, so if you have any, send them my way! I only have about 15 activities so far. Some of our activities include: making hot chocolate, reading a Christmas book, writing Christmas cards to friends, making paper snowflakes, decorating a ginger-bread house, etc..... I can't wait!
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago
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