I just uploaded all the pictures from my phone. So, beware of the very long post and over load or pictures! Above: what I get when I say "Eli, smile!" I love it, it is cheesy and always makes me smile in return. He's such a fun kid. Even with the snotty nose and fuzz in his hair.... which by the way we cut! He looks so much older with all his hair gone. I'm missing his full head of hair, but I like it short too, he looks so grown up.
Scott got to take a golf trip St. George/Mesquite. He golfed 36 holes two days in a row and loved every minute. He came home exhausted, and sun tanned. He met lots of new friends and had a great time. He deserves it!
My nephew gave Eli this mini jersey from his bball team. It looks so cute on Eli! We can't wait to go see Denver play and cheer for the "Irish!" I think Eli will be his biggest fan!
We've enjoyed some spontaneous days of sunshine..... although it comes and goes between Spring and Winter. When it is nice and sunny, we try to take advantage and get out there! This day, we went for a walk and Eli and Will were having fun holding hands. They are such cute brothers, they love each other and play together often. Will only gets mildly upset when Eli wrecks his creations or steals his toys, or smacks him in the face. True brothers I guess, and Eli is so good for Will!
I went with my mom, sister in-law, and niece to see Anne Frank, the play up in Salt Lake. It was great, and we had a lot of fun. Note to self, wear a belt with shirt shown above..... or else look pregnant in any and all pictures. I am not pregnant, but apparently, the shirt I'm wearing could be maternity.
The medical group had a conference in SLC and Scott and I were able to go. He had meetings and I played around with my sister (who's hubby also got to go). We had rooms paid for by Intermountain at Little America. It was awesome, we had a blast. Dinner, hotel room, movie, lots of laughing with my sister and brother in-law, funny elevator moments, and lots of rest and relaxation. I even showed my ultra white bod and took a dip in the hot tub. It was a blast.
All the way back to St. Patty's! My little leprechauns, so cute! They hunted for the sneaky little green guys, were surprised with green milk, and ate green jello! Will built a really cool leperchaun house out of a milk carton and put shiny things in it as a trap. He had a total melt down when I broke the news to him that leprechauns were just for pretend and fun. It was really sad.
Will had his first trip to the dentist!! He did GREAT! I was so proud of him. He sat there so nice and opened his mouth so big. They even cleaned his teeth and he didn't even flinch. I was so relieved, I was really nervous about how he was going to be. He did great and even got a prize.
Our yummy Brazilian lemonade we made in St. George. It is so tasty, I love it. Our little Mexican hat straws really complemented the whole ensemble. MMmmmm, my mouth is watering thinking about that meal.
Eli got this frog balloon from our friends Del and Cheryl. He loved it and held it the whole way home in the car. I thought it was so funny because it was almost as big as he is!
Eli LOVES to go outside. He begs by the door almost everyday to spend time outside.
Sometimes I just can't resist. Eli is such a cute sleeper. Check out his cute smooshed lips.
Scott and I at the San Diego BBall game at BYU. It was such a fun game and such a fun night out with my Dad, brothers, sister and brother in -law, and my in-laws. It was great.
All dressed up for church. He is such a handsome little devil. Especially on Sundays, he's handsome, and he is a devil at church. Hahaha, no but seriously, we walk in the doors at church and he goes wild.
I laugh every time I see this picture of Will! Hahaha, he was eating Doritos and fell asleep in the car. He looks like he has lipstick on! What a sweet, funny, boy he is.
Well, that's it! Some bits and pieces of our life the past few months. My sweet boys are so fun, and keep my life so entertaining. I don't know what I'd do without them, all of them, especially my sweet hubby Scott. He's my sweetheart and my support and helper whenever I need it. I'm am so blessed in so many ways.
Great pictures, and all from a cell phone!! Eli looks like he's 5 or 6 years old. He especially looks bigger with the short hair cut. Miss you guys.
Lol... love all the cell pics! Your boys are getting so big, and they are so dang handsome!
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