Easter is a great Holiday. Not only does it represent the most self-less act of all time, it is just a great time of year. Things are green and budding. It makes me feel a little more renewed and excited to continue on with the year, after a long winter. I sort of feel like I'm waking up (with the rest of nature) from a long winter nap, energized and ready to enjoy life again. Not to mention I am mother to two of the cutest boys that walk the planet (see above for proof.... and below). We had such a fun weekend. It was FULL to the brim with activities and fun events.
Friday, I enjoyed a date with the hubby. We went bowling with my sister and brother in-law and another couple from the ward. I had a strike, followed by a spare my first two frames! Oh ya, I was kicking it. Unfortunately for me however, it just went down hill from then on...... it's okay though, a strike on my first bowl! Give me some credit, I can be pretty awesome at times.
Then Saturday morning, we did our commercialized, traditional Easter egg hunt and Easter baskets. I always try to get a little something spiritual in the baskets. This year it was some books from Deseret book, for the kids of course. However, the most exciting thing pulled out of the boy's Easter bag (baskets are in storage) were their new crocs. The ultimate sign of warm weather! They were both so excited and funny about it. Eli had to wear his over his footed PJ's most of the morning. When I was little, I used to get Jellies, and I loved it. They were totally trashed by the end of summer, but those new jellies were the ultimate exciting way to begin the warm season!

Okay, the other really exciting thing in the Easter bag were gumball eggs. Eli just ate them without even chewing, and begged and begged for more.

Showing off the new Crocs. They were seriously a hit. I think I'll have to make this a tradition.

Will also got a Star Wars book in his Easter bag. Have I mentioned this kids obsession with Star Wars? Well, that is another post for another day. It's pretty fun though, what a great boy thing to love. I'm learning lots of interesting Star Wars information these days. And (below) Eli digging around for more gum.....

We had to line up the kiddies before they took off to find their eggs. I love this picture. It just shows the chaos that ensues here at my sisters while we've taken up residence here. Kayla, who's 10, then a bunch of kids 6 and younger. I especially love that Will is holding Eli back for the picture and that Eli is just laughing. That is pretty common, us trying to control Eli and Eli just laughing at us like "It's never gonna happen guys!"

Run Will! Each kid had a different type of egg. Will's were camouflaged. Which was fun because they were really hard to find. He was loving it though. Eli's were basket balls. It worked out great because each kid could only find theirs and they all found the same number.

Eli found his first "egg" and got so excited that it was a ball that he chucked it as hard as he could. He thought that was great. Then he just kept chucking it and chucking it. I tried to show him that he could find a whole bunch but he didn't care. One time he threw his egg on the cement and it broke open, revealing all the jelly beans inside! Then he went around finding his eggs, and trying to throw them on the cement to get the candy.

Then, Eli wanted to take a break from finding eggs and take a little ride on the swing. He thought Easter was awesome. And Will was proud that he found all his eggs, good job Will!

Krista's yard is looking so pretty and spring-like. We had to stand the boys in front of the blossoms. They are so funny, and so darn cute, I think I could just squish them all the time.

I love how Eli is looking to see what Will is doing, he's always got something really important, or funny to show or say to Will. They are true brothers. They help each other, they wrestle and play and laugh tirelessly, and they are best buds. Will has taught Eli some great Star Wars fighting moves, and Eli just loves to imitate Will.

After our egg hunt, we dyed eggs. That is always fun, and messy. Luckily, Eli had no interest. :)

On Saturday night, we had round 2 of Will's birthday. We did 2 parties this year, one in Logan and one here. We had to do them before his actual birthday because my parents, as well as my sister leave for Israel on his birthday, and I'm the designated babysitter for two weeks. So we thought it best to do our celebrating early. Mark and Steph were so gracious to offer their home to the homeless, for the hosting of the party. It was great, I'll try to get more pictures of our food and decorations up later. We had galactic pizza, Obe-wan kabobs (fruit kabobs), Ewok food (popcorn, pretzel mix), Jedi salad, Yoda Soda, and Darth malts. Plus lots of other crazy Star Wars inspired things. It was a lot of fun. We played Star Wars bingo, and did a Star Wars crossword puzzle that Scott and Will made together.

Will is such a sweet boy, he told me about 10 times "Mom, thank you so much for my Star Wars parties, they are so great." He is so tender and such a good kid. Even though it was a ton of work for mom, he deserves it. He's a great kid. He loved his gifts from everybody, both in Logan and here. Everyone was so kind to give to Will, we have great family and who love my boys and always support them, and us.

On Sunday morning, it was nice and sunny. Even though we were late for church, we ran outside to snap a couple pictures. I knew if we waited until after, things would be crazy, not to mention, Eli only keeps his clothes clean for about .5 seconds. I think they look so handsome in their new Easter clothes. There is just something so sweet and fun about boys dressed up in their ties for church. Especially when they match!

How can I resist that cheesy grin of Eli's? I can't. It gets me every time. I love that kid so much it is crazy. These little men are so special to me, I love seeing them grow and learn new things and love seeing them develop love and friendship together. It's not easy to be a full-time parent, but it is worth it, at the end of every day I am grateful to have had the day with my boys.

This is how Eli chooses to go down slides. And don't you dare try to help him. He is a dare-devil. Completely opposite from Will! He has no fear, of anything.

Sunday was also Krista's birthday. So we made a yummy dinner (I just realized the pretty glasses weren't on the table for my picture??) for her and had the table set so fun for Easter. We had ham, deviled eggs, mini Spinach bread bowls, salad, orange creamy jello, and home squeezed (am I saying that right?) lemonade. With some awesome bar cookies and ice cream for dessert. It was so yummy, I stuffed myself.

It was such a pretty day, we took a little walk and just relaxed. It was a fun, busy, and wonderful weekend, full of my family. That's what I love most!! Happy Easter everyone!