This post is a little random. I haven't updated the blog with pictures for awhile now, so I thought I better get them up. On my camera I found pictures of our last few days in Cleveland, our drive out West, and our first few days here in Utah.
In between packing boxes and cleaning the house, we found an afternoon to drive to one of my most favorite places on earth. The John Johnson Farm. If you want to the see the inside, my friend Mary (hi Mary!) took some beautiful pictures last winter of the inside of the Johnson home,
here. Here we are on the front steps of the home. These are THE front steps, original to the home where the Prophet Joseph Smith stood to preach on Sundays. Some of the other significant events that happened at the John Johnson farm were: several revelations given here that are now in the D&C, Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith here, in the "revelation room," this is also where Joseph Smith was cruelly attacked, drug out of the house by his hair, down these very steps, beaten, tar and feathered, and left for dead. He was drug out into a nearby field and when he regained consciousness, saw the lights of the home and crawled home. Not only is this place spiritual, it is beautiful. Out in the rolling hills of Ohio, and I love it!
Oh, it was also the Saturday before Halloween, so Will had to wear his costume....

You can't go to the John Johnson home without stopping by Monroe's! They have fruit, veggies, and lots of other yummy treats. Our favorites are the cinnamon licorice, and the caramel cashew crunch. Yum!

Will wanted to take a picture of our pretty red bushes before church. They were so pretty and they turned just in time for us to see them before we left. They were SO pretty. I already miss our giant trees and beautiful yards and homes. We'll never forget our pretty street!

It seems to have become a tradition that we take a picture on our first and last Sunday in a place. Here we are, our last Sunday in Cleveland. :( Crazy!

We snapped this one after church. I thought it was a cute picture. Especially since Stacey and I both own the same dresses! You probably can't tell, but they are the same dress, just different colors, and we both own both colors. :) Great minds think alike!

These little guys were good pals! Will, Jackson, and Jack.

Happy Birthday Scott!! We packed our candles, so Scott got to blow out a tea light! The past two birthdays have been crazy for our family on Scott's birthday. Last year I was in Utah getting Eli and he spent his birthday pretty much alone. This year, we were two days away from moving. I promise you a big birthday bash next year Scott!

On our drive out West, we drove through South Bend Indiana. Having the sports loving husband that I have, we had to stop at Notre Dame! It was way awesome. My brother was with us, and he saw a maintenance guy coming out of the stadium so he stopped him and asked if we could just take a peek at the field. Well, not only did we get a peek, he took us up to the box where all the important Notre Dame people sit. It was way cool.

Touchdown Jesus. You can't miss this! The whole time I was there I wanted to start chanting "Rudy, rudy!" haha, I love that movie.

This is Eli. He's asleep. He did this about three times the WHOLE trip. Seriously. He does not sleep well if at all in the car. He would sleep for about 1 hour at a time and then was awake the rest of the time. Regardless, he's adorable, especially when he's asleep!

Our last night in a hotel, we upgraded our room to a King bed with a jacuzzi. Well, the jacuzzi was huge and it was in the middle of the room! Seriously, it was probably a foot from our bed. It was so funny. The boys loved it, and "swam" in it twice!

We were so lucky and happy to get to stop at Scott's brother's house in Greeley. We stayed for two days and it was the perfect rest stop for us. The boys LOVED it. Uncle Jesse found Will a frog about ten minutes after we got there and that completely made his whole weekend. He kept it either in an ice cream bucket full of dirt, or in the bath tub. Thanks Kari for putting up with it! We all loved spending time there and hope we can make it back again soon! Here's all our cute kiddos. JD, Lia, Eli, and Will.

We made it finally! Eli and Will have been happy as a clam since we arrived. Will has had a hard time adjusting to primary and preschool, but he's doing better. Eli is just happy to have all the kids around to follow and play with. Will has loved having his cousins to play with non-stop.

The boys are doing great. Eli loves to sit in his little high chair and eat, all the time. And Will was pretty proud of himself for making all these milk bubbles.
Now, if we could get our house sold, and find a place to live here, we would be all set! It will happen.....