Where did the year go? I can't believe a year ago we welcomed little Eli into our home and hearts. From the moment Eli was born, I knew he was mine and we loved him from that first night. I remember Scott and I huddled over his bed in the nursery. He was the only baby in there and we were the only people around. The nurse wasn't fussing over us and she just let us have our time along with him in the those very first moments of his life. I had a lot of thoughts at that moment. But mostly, it was excitement, wonder, and gratitude for the miracle of birth, life, and what we had been given. He was so big and HUNGRY. He drank a full bottle, laying there in his warming bed. His hair was thick, curly, and all over. His face was chubby and so swollen he could barely open his eyes. His body was pink and chubby, he was perfect in every way.
Even his funny faces.....

Meeting Dad for the very first time..... just seconds after delivery.

The day after he was born. Big, healthy, and straighter hair.....

Just hanging out with mom in the hospital. Getting to know each other.

Sorry, this isn't the best picture, it's from my phone. This was Halloween last year!

Forever brothers. Our sealing day.

Sweetest cheeks ever. Still perfect.

What a big helper Will has been. He loves his baby bro.

Perfect. Still.

Oh my gosh, isn't he the cutest?

Hahaha! Look at his saggy cheeks! Again, another phone pic.

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

He's got the best smile ever!

Eli, you are a gem. What a happy boy you are. You are doing all the typical one year old things, and we love you everyday. You have blessed our lives this past year, taught us a lot about love, life, learning, and growing. You tease, you play, you laugh, you snuggle, you cry for mom and dad, you get shy with strangers, you smile and melt our hearts. You are big (90% for height 70% for weight), and you have a big heart. Sometimes you try to throw tantrums, but then you decide if mom picks you up, that's all you need.
We love you to bits, and we love your sweet birthmother who made such an amazing sacrifice for
you, because
she loves you to bits too!
Happy Birthday!