
I don't really have time to blog, but had to post this, just for "remembrance" sake! Today for lunch Eli ate a WHOLE baked potato, plain, cut up in pieces. About 1/2 - 3/4 c. of white beans, a sippy cup full of water, and a handful of raisins. All fed by himself, and happy as a clam the entire time. He's always been an avid eater, so I don't know why this surprises me?! He just eats so much better than Will ever did, so maybe that is why? He'll eat almost anything I put in front of him, and he'll eat it until I take it away.

I bet you are wondering how much ends up on the floor.... well, not much. If I were really smart, I could probably come up with some type of ratio. Like: parts put on tray X parts on floor = amount consumed by child. Since I'm not that smart or mathematically minded, I'll just tell you this. What ends up on the floor could be A LOT more, if you compare it to what I put on his tray. Not only that, but when I get him out of his chair, clean him off from head to toe, and set him down on the floor to clean his tray, he helps himself to the droppings too.... so basically, he eats everything.

Good job E! Keep it up!

Now, if I could get Will to eat more than cheese, we'd be in great shape!

1 comment:

Amy said...

How awesome to have such a great eater!! Plus all his chub is so stinkin' cute! Easton eats like a bird too - cheese is definitely a favorite... and unfortunately Noah's not much better.