Or at least I feel like it is time for Spring to spring! I'm hopeful since ALL our snow melted in about 24 hours. I'm not kidding. One day I had snow in my backyard as high as my waist and then it seemed like the next day it was gone and we were out playing on our soggy grass. I don't mind one bit, we had SUNSHINE almost everyday this week and it was wonderful. We went on walks and tried to soak it all in. Will is loving it, and Eli was excited to see the sky for the first time ever! :)
Here's a few pictures of late.....
Eli is ready for Spring and this is his cute hat someone gave to us. Isn't it cute? I think so, it's a little tight though, I'm not sure how much longer he'll be wearing it. I can't wait to put this boy in short sleeves and shorts, his little arms and legs are to die for, and SO soft and squishy, I love it.

I love this picture (above) because this is E's signature look. He checks everyone out from the corner of his eyes, like he's not quite sure about you yet, then he breaks into the biggest smile you've ever seen. It is so funny. Sometimes he'll just watch me, without moving his head, his eyes just go back and forth checking everything out. Maybe it's too hard to move those big cheeks around?

Eli start solid foods this week! Yipee!! He LOVES to eat.... nothing new, we already knew that. However, when I started feeding Will he took a few bites, acted like it was okay and then he was done. That's how he always was with baby food. With Eli, I popped open a jar of carrots, and in about 8 minutes, he had downed the whole thing and was frantically looking for more. AND, I had just fed him an 8 oz bottle only about 1 1/2 hours earlier. He's going to eat us out of house and home! I think it is great he's eating so well, Will never really liked baby food, so this is a good change.

We babysat our friends 3 girls last night. They are such cuties. Will really loves having them for neighbors and friends, they have a great time playing together and play really well. This little girlie is Jane. She is Eli's friend. They are only 4 days a part! Eli is only slightly bigger, but Jane is SO mobile, I can't believe it. She rolls everywhere and is so strong. I think Eli is just chubb and can't move because of it. I think we'll have to get him on an exercise routine.... ha! Just kidding.

Babies are so fun, I think I need about 6 more to be satisfied..... okay, maybe I shouldn't put that in writing. Maybe just one or two more? Who knows, I'll take any and all that come my way! One thing for sure, babies are miracles, no matter who they come too, and we feel so incredibly blessed to have our sweet boys. We love Eli more than we could ever have imagined, he is already a very important part of our lives and we can't imagine our family without him. I'm especially proud of the boys for doing so great sharing a room together. I love putting them down together in the same room and knowing they have some company. Sometimes Eli talks before he falls asleep and we can hear Will through the monitor talking to him, I love it. Will is so sweet with Eli and gets so excited when Eli does all the those cute baby things, like learning to hold a bottle or eat his baby food. I'm so lucky!
So sweet Kara. I can't wait to have more sunny days here in Wyoming! Time goes by so fast, I can't believe Eli is eating solid food already. I love it that the boys share a room too, I wish Coop had someone to share with him, I always feel bad that he has to sleep alone, hopefully soon we can have another little one too. You are awesome!
Kara, I can't tell you how much I love your blog posts! You just seem to love life! And it's obvious how much you love the men in your life! You are right... you really have been blessed. Keep up the blogs... I can't live without them!
It's so fun to see you love motherhood sooo much!
Kara! We miss you guys so much! That little Eli is one handsome baby. I hope I get to meet him some day. Here is to Spring coming VERY soon!
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