
Today has been a good day. I've been feeling slightly overwhelmed lately. As most of you know, I love to read blogs, and read some almost everyday. Okay, I read a lot every day. Sometimes I get caught in the mental mind trap of degrading thoughts like "why don't I do that with my kids?" Or "Why am I not creative like that?" Or "My house does not look like that.... ever" Or even "I wish we did stuff like that...."

Well, the other day, after doing some low key blog reading, I was feeling particularly down. My house was a mess (yes, I know, I should have been cleaning instead of blogging), dishes from the day before and all meals this day were piled up on my counter, there were two very large baskets of laundry to be folded, and Christmas cards to be addressed and sent out. I put the babe down for a nap, stuck in a movie for my other babe and set to work on the dishes. While I was grumpily, self-pitying myself doing dishes I had an amazing thought. Not so much of a thought as more of a comforting voice that made me instantly feel 100% better. I was thinking about the blogs and the things I wasn't doing and got this overwhelming impression that the most important thing I could be doing right now was exactly what I was doing. Being a mother. Spending happy moments with my babies, and loving them unconditionally. I also had a very overwhelming impression that LOVE is what is important. Do my kids know I love them? Do I tell them enough? Do I show them enough? They could care less what our house looks like, their just happy they got to stay in their PJ's all day and a have a "picnic" on the couch for breakfast AND lunch. They don't care about my latest crafting obsession... or lack of, they are just happy when I let them cut up paper and hang up their bits and pieces to look like "snowflakes." They especially don't care about MY personal imperfections, they just want my unconditional love and attention....

So that is what they are getting, and it's enough for all of us. I need to be more mindful of the really important things in our lives instead of getting wrapped up in my own selfish desires. And most of all, I need to keep our lives simple, so we have time together and time to do those important things, like making paper chains counting down until Christmas! Only 7 days left!!!


Anonymous said...

Kara, you are right on!! I often try to remind myself and Martha that when true friends (or family) come over to our house, it really doesn't matter whether the house is clean or messy... and it doesn't matter whether we feed them Martha's famous lasagna or cheerios.... they are there to see US and feel of our love. And all the other things are just "window dressing" that really doesn't matter when the love is felt. I am so glad that Scott married you!!!
PS: I can't wait to eat cheerios at your house...SOON, I hope!
Love, Grandpa Glenn

Lorinda said...

Yeah! thanks for the insights. You are a wonderful mom and so good to remember that children are to be cherished. The newborn stage is particularly hard...hang in there mom! Love you1

Stacey said...

I had a meltdown last night for the same reasons you were feeling. Then, tonight I found this article http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/stephanie-nielson-chapter1-120609.html and it changed my life. It's about Stephanie Nielson (NieNie)and as I read it I had similar thoughts as you--it's about love. This article and your comments have helped me. So, thanks, Kara.

Katie Davis said...

Oh Eli- you are so darling! He is. I'm glad you posted this- it is so easy to get wrapped up in what we don't do, don't have, etc. But you're right. When it comes down to it, what we do as parents and the love we give is all that matters. All the other stuff is fluff. I have to remind myself many times each day that fluff doesn't matter, even if it seems everyone else has more than me. ;) Hope things are great for you guys and that you are feeling more in sync with the 2 kid thing- it takes a while, so be patient with yourself. And those people who say it's so easy and their babies are perfect? They lie! Have a good day kara! Tell scott hi for me. p.s- have i invited you to our blog? i need your email if i haven't

Bridget said...

Thank you so much for this post - I definitely feel that way sometimes too. I think that it is just such hard work being a mom and unfortunately it's way too easy to compare ourselves to how others look on the outside. I hope that you guys have an amazing Christmas - you're such a cute family and an amazing mom!

Danny and Lauren's Blog said...

Funnny b/c I look at you and your blog and think you have it all together! =) I think we all get that frustration looking at blogs. You're a rock star in by book. Xoxo. Your little men are so CUTE!