
really caught on camera

First things first, yesterday was lovely. After church we came home, put on our comfy warm clothes and just hung out. Lit the fireplace, played with Will, made some illumarias, snacked, munched, and received numerous gifts from neighbors and friends. It was great, and I'm loving our house all decorated for Christmas, it feels cozy and warm and full of light.

Now, for the title of my post. Last week I thought we caught a few good smiles of Eli on camera. Well, I was wrong.... yesterday he was super smiley and we got some great big ones from him. Look how he wrinkles his nose, I love it. I can't wait for him to start laughing, I feel like it is just around the corner.

Isn't this sweet. Will is still super excited about his little bro. He loves to lay by him, give him hugs when he's crying, and help mom do all sorts of baby things.

These boys are the best part of my day every day. I love them both and love watching each of them grow and learn in different ways.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I am so sorry I have not been on your blog since you went private. Congratulations!! Eli is so dang cute!! I loved getting caught up.