Saturday's weather was gorgeous. High 30's!! So, we had a lazy morning and then loaded up the kiddos and went sledding. We have a great sledding hill about a mile from our house. It was the perfect hill for little ones. Will really loved it. He didn't love the hike back up the hill, but he loved the sledding.

Here's the pile up - we all went down together. I'm surprised we didn't pop the tube!

The other pile up - they almost made it to the bottom without any catastrophe's - I think Caleb and Ivie fell off about half way..... whoops.

The hike back up the hill - YOU CAN DO IT WILL! I think he had a hard time walking in his awesome snow boots.

Caleb was the master sledder. He did great, ran up the hill and sped down on the sled as fast as possible. He was fun to watch, he has no fear.

Here's Ivie. She is adorable.... I don't remember why she wasn't so happy, I think she was having a glove issue or something. I think right after I snapped this picture, she was nice and cheery again. Silly Ivie, she's a little drama queen. :)

Will's first sled of the year - go Will. Sorry you have a chicken mom who wouldn't take you on your first ride! I had to make sure everyone survived before I took a run myself.

You can't see it in this picture, but Will was loving it. He had a huge grin on his face and the whole way down he was saying "Wahooo!" and laughing.

The snowball. The blasted snowball. Will could NOT pick up the snowball and keep it in his hands. He tried about 5 times to pick up a snowball to throw at Uncle Wes.

Finally he got it. By this time, I think the excitement of throwing a snowball was gone.