
Random Events

Will LOVES to play with the ipod. I thought this was classic. He was shirtless and just standing in our kitchen watching Bug's Life on the ipod. Isn't he funny? We think so. Check out the belly. I don't know why he didn't have a shirt on, maybe he just didn't want it on? We learned to pick our battles, and they often include clothing, or running around in the buff.
We were so excited for the olympics we invited a couple friends to come celebrate the opening ceremonies with us. Here are the three boys, they are friends and they are so cute together. Marcus and Anthony are only a few days apart, and are a little older than Will, but he sure loves when they come to play at our house!
Female domination..... Scott made his own Olympics crossword puzzle. We did boys against girls to see who would win and yep, we totally crushed them. Way to go gals!

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