Isn't it funny what your kids begin to love? We read a dinosaur book a LONG time ago, just once, but it started something with Will. He loves wearing his dinosaur jammies and reading his dinosaur book. He also loves having mom or dad draw a dinosaur and then he colors it. He can even say "brachiosaurus" - what a wonder child! If you didn't know what he was saying, you might wonder what the heck he's talking about when he walks around saying "Nasanay (dinosaur... of course), suchus (sarcosuchus - a huge crocodile that lived during the time of the dinosaurs... found in one of our many dinosaurs trips to the library), or sceeery nasanay.... " He's really loving the books "How do dinosaurs eat their food, What if a Dinosaur gets sick, How do Dinosaurs play with their friends... etc." If you haven't read them to your kids, you should, their great.

Other than dinosaurs, Will's most favorite things right now are: NEMO NEMO NEMO.... we watch Nemo daily, and most of our conversations revolve around who says or does what on Nemo. This kid is
obsessed with NEMO - he's getting a fish for Christmas, I hope it goes over well!
He's also very into his Curious George books. When we ask him what George says he says "hooo hoo hahhaaa" just like the little monkey!

We love our little Will, he is growing up too fast!
My kids LOVE the "How do Dinosaurs..." books! They are a lot of fun. That's so cute that he's saying the names of dinosaurs!
What a smart kid! I think it's fun (and sometimes frustrating) to see their little personalities and preferences emerge. Will is definitely a boy and Claire is definitely a girl!
I miss Will. What a special little boy. Caleb still loves dinosaurs.
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