This day has been long anticipated since the day after Halloween. Will has been begging that we make gingerbread houses. I kept telling him "just wait, just wait, we'll do it, I promise!" I probably should have just let him go at it. But Gingerbread houses and all it entails can be a bit of work. This year, I secretly bought a premade house from Costco that comes with all the candy and such. Then I didn't have bags of bulk candy lying around my house for my eating pleasure! I loved it. It was great to just have it in the box until we were ready to use it, then pull it out with all the supplies, frosting, and everything ready to go in less than 5 minutes. Thank you Costco, once again you amaze me!
When Will pulled the activity out of our advent calendar and it was gingerbread houses he was SO excited. I made him practice violin, clean his room, and do all his chores BEFORE school, so that as soon as he came home, we could build our house. He was so obliging.... I need more positive rewards like that! Plus it was such a great time for the three of us (Scott was in St. George for work, otherwise, we would have waited for him of course). We got home from school and had the whole afternoon to spend on our house, and have fun together. I loved it and the boys had a blast.
Every five minutes or so, Eli would disappear upstairs. Then he would sneak down and say "I'm right here mom!" I could tell he had been stealing candy and going upstairs to devour it. It was pretty funny. I wish I could have video taped it. Eli's job was to decorate a gingerbread man and then he just ate the candy. He loved every minute. He did NOT want to touch the frosting, so while decorating, he would just kind of drop the candy and hope it fell into frosting. It was pretty funny. I let Will do his own frosting and he did great. The boys had a lot of fun together.
I love Eli's cheesy grin. I especially love that he always keeps a close eye on his big brother to see what he's doing.
The finished product!.......
Whoever came up with this tradition was smart, creative, and loved to have fun. Seriously, sticking candy, with frosting onto a cookie house? That's genius.
Happy Holidays!
They Love Him
2 days ago
1 comment:
Oh my goodness!!! I need to check in more often! Your boys are so grown up and adorable! Will is playing the violin!? Holy smokes---awesome! You guys are such a neat family!
I just rented a carpet cleaner from the como office for $5 and cleaned the carpet in our "living" room.... Buckets and buckets of black water is what came up from the floor.... Do you still miss it?! :). Haha.
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