When did my baby Will turn into a Kindergartener? First things first.... (above) Eli LOVES treats. He promptly wakes up in the morning and with the sweetest voice possible says "mommy? treat?" or "mom? Gum? Please?" He cracks us up, he is in perpetual motion and only slow downs for the occasionally love pat or snuggle. He got this huge lollipop from sweet Cheryl and loved it the whole way home!

Will also thoroughly enjoyed his sucker!

Eli has always liked cars. Since moving into our own place and finding all our toys, his love/obsession with cars has grown. When we got out our cars and our "garage" he sat there and played for a good hour or two.... it was awesome. He just loves it, and it is really fun to listen to him play, and occasionally sing, and then go back to making car noises. Eli's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. I'm amazed everyday at the new words he picks up, he's doing great!

These two are peas in a pod. I know this picture makes Will look really small compared to Eli, but that's pretty realistic. Eli is a big boy and Will is on the smaller end of kids his age. They love to watch movies on mom's bed, and they love to tease, wrestle, and laugh with each other. They laugh at something every night before bed, we tuck them in and close the door and then we hear them laugh and talk for several minutes before falling asleep. They also really care about each other and when one is hurt, the other is right there to make sure they are okay. It is the sweetest thing to watch, I hope they will always be close friends.

Eli often asks to hold Will's or my hand while in the car. This time it was Will, and I couldn't resist a picture of my sweet little boys!

Friday "fry" day! Just a lazy mom trip to Wendy's for lunch. They loved it and always love being goofy together.

Scott has been taking a class for the past several months and to celebrate the end of the class and their projects, all the students and their significant other were invited to dinner at La Caille. It was a beautiful setting. We had such a fun evening. Coincidentally, my sister in-law Stephanie also took the class (she's works for intermountain as well) so her and my brother were there too. It was a great evening, we had a lot of fun meeting new people, enjoying free dinner, and having a "child-free" night! The above pic is dark, but I had to turn off my flash so I could catch the banana foster that's on fire! That's my brother Mark's dessert all lit up.

I love the way Intermountain treats their employees. They have done a great job so far. Scott feels so lucky to be in the position he's in and to have the job he has. I am so proud of him and I appreciate so much the wonderful organization that is Intermountain. This weekend, we get to enjoy another little get away on Intermountain's dime. :) We are looking forward to it!

A couple weeks ago, my nephew Denver turned 14. We were able to go see him be ordained a Teacher. I was so happy that my boys could be there for that special day and that Scott was able to participate. Will really loves Denver and looks up to him a lot, I'm so happy that Denver is such a good kid and sets a great example for Will and Eli.

Scott's half-marathon! Yes, #2 this summer. He is an animal. Or better said, when he gets something in his mind, he gets his mind set on it and accomplishes his goals. This is a typical thing for Scott that is a pattern you can see throughout his life since he was just a little boy. When he tells me things like "I'd like to be CEO someday....." I think to myself "Well, I wouldn't put it past him!" He truly is an amazing husband, father, employee, "boss," and most of all friend. Since he just changed positions, we've seen just how much he has influenced people in such a short amount of time. He said some of his managers that he was over were crying and several people gave him gifts and cards wishing him well.

This was the Hobble Creek Half Marathon, last Saturday. Scott did a great job, although he has been much more sore this time around. I'm just amazed at his strength and endurance..... I wish I had half the amount he has. The boys always like to go watch for Dad in his orange shirt! They watch him come running and they cheer and clap and yell for their dad, not to mention we are all pretty proud that he's always at the front of the pack..... He did this half in 1 hr. 30 min. Funny story:
As I got to the race, I asked a lady standing next to me if she knew when they had started and what runners were coming in (first ones, or if they had been coming in for awhile). I knew that Scott would run it a little over an hour, so I wasn't sure what time it had started, etc. She responded that "oh, these are the fast runners.... they have only been coming in for a few minutes." Right after she said that, I looked up and here came Scott! We were pretty proud of him for being one of the "fast" runners. :)
Also, congrats to my niece Breanna, and sister in-law Steph who also ran the half marathon. Great job ladies, I'm proud of you!! What an accomplishment!
On Sunday, we were able to go see Del and Cheryl again. They have become like family to us and we are amazed and so blessed every time we see them or meet with them. I just can't get over what an incredible connection we have. I have no doubt that it is NOT coincidence that our families have met, live in the same state, and have children who share birth parents. I know with all the faith in my heart that this situation was pre-designed and purposeful. We absolutely love and adore their family. This was a special occasion for Del and Cheryl, they had all 6 of their kids in the same place at the same time, and they were so sweet and kind to invite us up for dinner with their family. It was great to get to know their kids who live far away and to spend time with them. Will and Aleyah Jai talked about kindergarten and of course they all ran around and played to their hearts content. As usual, Will cried when we left. It's always a special event at Del and Cheryl's, we just love them, and couldn't say enough positive things about them.

Before we left, we snapped a quick family picture in their beautiful yard, and then a picture with the whole group! What a fun and memorable afternoon. I am so glad and feel so blessed that we are able to share these experiences and make memories with such great people. I know it will be so good for our kids to know each other and to grow up as family.
AND finally, the countdown is on.... only a few more days until school is in full swing around here. I'm so excited and nervous for Will. He's going to do great and have a ball, I can't wait for him to learn and grow and experience new things. I am so proud of him and what a wonderful, tender child he is. He reminds me every day why I love to be a mother. He is patient and kind, and he loves to help others and make others feel happy and content. He loves to play and laugh, he is very knowledgeable and at so many different things. He loves to read and still loves animals. He is becoming more and more social and often asks for friends to come over or go to play at cousins houses. He could hardly wait to meet his teacher and then when we did, blushed and got shy. I love his tender heart and willingness to be taught. I have loved spending so much time with Will this summer. He has grown so much and I am truly amazed at how big and mature he has gotten.
Oh my sweet Will..... I think I'm going to cry all day when I send him off! And it's just kindergarten.....?!!?