We've had a fun little vacation the past few days/weeks. We drove up to Logan on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We had a blast, we stayed with Scott's brother, stayed up late into the night, bouncing in the bounce house (yes, they have a bounce house in their basement.... it is awesome), ate delicious Thanksgiving dinner, played in the snow, played with the cat and dog, .... the list goes on and on. Here are a few pictures for proof of the fun we've had!

Wahoo! The bounce house. When all the kids get in here, it is absolutely nuts, but they have so much fun.

On Friday after Thanksgiving, we took the kids sledding down Old Main. They had so much fun. Eli got a little cold, but he even rode the sled a couple of times. Will was so brave, and LOVED going sledding. He did it by himself several times. He was having a blast until I rode the sled with him and white washed us both. Then we had to go sit in the car and get warm.

We are so proud of ourselves, December 1st and we did gingerbread houses.... cross that one off the December to do list! :) Will and all his cousins had a lot of fun decorating their houses. I was so impressed with what sweet kids they are too each other. I heard so much positive talk among them, and they were so nice and sweet to each other, and helpful for the little ones to do their houses. It was a really fun thing to watch. They have a lot of fun together, laugh, and play.... and make a lot of messes. :) I also have to say, check out what beautiful kids we have!! Seriously, they are all so dang cute.

We had all but two of our little people here. We missed you Lia and JD! And in case you are wondering, they are just as cute as all these little people!

Lots of food, lots of sugar, lots of fun. While we've been in Logan, we've also enjoyed lots of time helping Grandma (who broke her ankle :( ), watching movies, playing with all of the millions of toys that Grandma Martha has, visiting Grandpa and Grandma Hopkins, going out to eat, eating Aggie Ice Cream, working out with the sis-in-law at 5:45 :), and just plain enjoying life.... and the snow, it is so gorgeous. And there is a lot of it!
oh, what a hoot! Wish we could be there too. Soon enough we will get to enjoy the sugar highs with you.
I am so super jealous of you living in Utah now. How great it is to be surrounded by so much family! Looks like you guys are having some great holiday fun.
So, I'm just catching up on your blog...So glad to see that I am 'THE sis-in-law' that you worked out with at 5:45am! I wish we could do that every morning. Always so much more fun with you around. Love ya Kara! PS Thanks for staying with us over THanksgiving. I loved every minute of it! Christmas was great too, although I with we could have seen you more..but there will be more to come!
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