I know you are all curious, so I just thought I would tell what an awesome little boy we have, and update you on our latest sleeping arrangements. Will is doing GREAT!! When I posted about his bed, he was crying himself to sleep, locked in his room. Well, that was it!!! He only did that once, and now I'm proud to say he goes to sleep beautifully (even for naps!) and sleeps like a charm. He does usually wake up around 3 ish, sneak into our room and crash on the floor, but he doesn't even cry or wake us up, I just wake up and there he is, like a little puppy. Somehow, he seems to always find our little decor pillows, snuggle up and make himself comy. I know he should be sleeping in his bed ALL night, but honestly, we are ALL benefitting from the quiet nights of sleep. Will is going to bed around 7-7:30 and not waking until almost 8 most mornings.
One of these days, we'll really crack down and make him stay in his bed all night, but for now, I'm just counting my blessings, and my hours of sleep! For those of you who have the toddler bed to look forward to, best of luck!
They Love Him
2 days ago
i've been reading your posts about the bed transition with a lot of curiosity ... i'm glad Will's got things figured out (for the most part). Reading you adventures made me decide that we'll switch addie to a bed in the summer - when i'm not working and don't need to worry about getting my sleep. Thanks for the tips. I really do appreciate them! jennie
I am way impressed! It was much easier for you then us!! Okay I am a little jealous, you guys are great parents!!
Yay! That's great that he only cried one night and still takes naps!! What a quick learner!
glad to hear things are going so smoothly. as far as forcing the in bed all night...who cares?! if you are all getting the sleep you need (i would pay emmett to sleep until 8) then let him wander in and crash on the floor. big boy beds are the best.
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