Yikes... we were hoping the bed would over a bit smoother, but as you can see from the pictures, Will isn't as thrilled with his new bed as we are. He did have a lot of fun helping us take down the crib, and put the new bed up, loved his new dinosaur jammies, and loved jumping and playing on his bed.... all until it came time to sleep in it.
The first night, he went right to sleep, slept until midnight, then spent an hour running back and forth from his room to ours saying "Sleep in mommy's bed!!!" Finally, Scott slept on Will's floor, with Will, NEXT to the bed, that would have been a great picture. Father and son cuddled up together, NEXT to the brand new bed.

The second night of the bed went a bit smoother, he slept this time until 2 am. Then, he insisted on sleeping in our bed, or us sleeping in his bed. We resisted, and felt cruel, and finally he just layed down on our floor, without pillow or blanket, curled up in a little ball, next to my bed. When he first did it, I got up and put a blanket on, then about 10 minutes later he woke up and proudly said "All done sleeping mama!" I said "No, it's not time to wake-up, you need to go sleep in your bed or lay back down and go to sleep." Of course, there were some tears, but he was still there in our room at 6:30 this morning... that's when I finally gave in and let him sleep in our bed for a few hours.
Now, as we speak he is going on 30 minutes of screaming in his room "Open door mommy! Mommy hold you!" And of course, my heart is breaking, but I can't find a better way to make him go to sleep in his own room, in his own bed. Poor little guy, we all learn to sleep in a bed without any traumatic memories, right? Somebody please tell me he'll still grow up to be normal!