
My sweetheart....

It is only fair. I blogged about myself, but I'm nothing without my better half.... cheesy, yes, true? Also yes. Here's a little bit about Scott....

1. How long have you been together? Together 7 years, married 5

2. How old is he? 28

3. How old are you? 25 almost 26

4. Who eats more? that's debatable.... but probably Scott

5. Who said "I love you" first? It was pretty mutual, something we both kept eluding to, but were afraid to actually say the words. Finally Scott just said, "Man, I just love you!" Those were great words to here (especially after 2 years of dating!)

6. Who is taller? Scott

7. Who sings better? Definitely Scott, although he likes to tease me that I should sing in the choir at church.... ya right, I know those of you who know me are laughing your heads off right now!

8. Who is smarter? In what subject? I would probably say Scott all around, but certain things, like mothering/parenting, I think I have the upper hand :) Scott is an amazing father though, it is very natural for him!

9. Who does the laundry? Kara, but he will help fold if he's around

10. Who does the dishes? Scott actually likes doing dishes, so I leave them for him whenever I can stand it! :)

11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Scott

12. Who pays the bills? Both of us, Scott reminds me that they are due and I send them out

13. Who mows the lawn? If we had a lawn, SCOTT! He LOVES yard work and getting his hands dirty. Scott is a wonderful "yard" man, he believes there is something therapeutic in getting your hands in the dirt, I believe him. Our lawn in Logan was spectacular!

14. Who cooks dinner? Kara, but Scott can cook up some great eggs and he's been learning how to cook fish. Oh, on Sunday, he cooked the bacon, or at least flipped it over in the pan

15. Who is more stubborn? We are both pretty stubborn, but he's much better at saying he's sorry FIRST.... I don't like to admit I'm wrong.... wait, I'm never wrong! Hahaha, just kidding!

16. Who kissed whom first? I kissed him first, he would disagree though

17. Who asked whom out? Scott asked me for my number on a Friday night and our first date was the next night. We went to an aggie football game, which I'm sure we lost, and then to eat at IHOP where I ordered a HUGE stack of chocolate chip pancakes. I think he ordered a milkshake or something.

18. Who proposed? Scott, and it was great!

19. Who is more sensitive? We are both pretty sensitive

20. Who has more friends? Scott, hands down. Although right now, I get to spend more time with my friends, he spends all his time with classmates or us.

21. Who has more siblings? I do, I'm the youngest of 8. Scott is 3rd of 6.

22. Who wears the pants in the relationship? We share a lot of the responsibility, but I'd probably say Scott

That a little about Scott. I really lucked out when I married Scott. He's been a wonderful husband, fantastic father, and my best friend! I couldn't ask for better!


Chrissy said...

Kara, you and Scott are such a great couple.....We miss you like crazy. Someday we will see you again.


Joni said...

You two are sure cute...okay I guess you three!

JO said...

That was fun thanks for sharing. Curtis thinks really highly of your hubby. Maybe one day we will get to see you guys again.

Scott W. Mortensen MHA, MBA said...

Thanks Kara, I LOVE YOU!!! I want everyone to know that the bacon I cooked up was unlike any other bacon I have ever eaten. It was spectacular!

A & M Ras said...

You guys are so fun!! I am glad I got a chance to get to know you.
Also, I have added your blog to our list on our blog. Please let me know if this is not ok with you.


Crystal said...

I am so glad I found your blog. Since I haven't seen you for like...4 years, it's nice to see what you up to. You have a darling family, and it was fun to read up on what has been going on! We'll have to get together the next time we are both in Utah. I bet our hubbies would like to catch up also!