
A Magical Christmas cont.... Christmas Day

We were lucky enough to have a very WHITE Christmas. So, Christmas day, Jesse, Scott's brother hitched up his horse - Clover and pulled us up and down the street on the sled. It was a blast! It was a gorgeous day, just what Christmas should be....
Yee Haw! Scott and Will...
Gigi and Will
The girls - minus Ashlie and Lorinda - Notice Kari's cute pregnant belly! Only 3 weeks to go Kari!

Opening his stocking - goldfish, an Elmo toothbrush, and lots of chocolate. Will would have been completely satisfied with goldfish - if only we could ALL be so easily content! Oh, and he was still talking about his dinosaur jammies! Showing Papa his Elmo toothbrush
His first (of many) books from Santa. The "Grumpy Book" - I read it to him, then he took it to Scott, and then Grandpa. We could hardly get him to open other presents.
The next HIT - "How do Dinosaurs Eat their food?" Will had been talking about this book for months and he was SO thrilled!
Aunt Lizzie - by far his favorite person of the trip!

1 comment:

The Bryger Family said...

I LOVED these posts! It looks like you had a Fabulous Christmas! I can't wait for next year when Bry and I have a little one of our own. They seem to make things so much more fun!
