This year was a party for Halloween! Our friends, the Herberts invited us to a special "Mayhem at the Mansion" party. Their dad is the governor of Utah at the moment and so they have special privileges at the gov's mansion. We felt super lucky to be invited and to spend the evening with friends. Obviously it was a costume party and we were asked to come as turn of the century people. We rented our costumes from a theater and had a lot of fun dressing (and acting) the part. I felt a little bit like I was in Downton Abby. My favorite! :)
Scott had quite the costume. Complete with top hat and gold mallard cane. It was awesome. I especially loved his lacey ascots. :)
So, we arrived at the mansion and it was all spookily and eerily lit up. It was all lit by candle light. It's hard to describe the ambiance, but it was seriously amazing. Every little detail was perfect. We took a spooky tour of the mansion while we heard all about the mysterious and crazy things that have happened there and then we had a yummy time period dinner. We got to eat on special china and silver that was rescued from the USS Utah that sunk at Pearl Harbor. They even told us that each time it is used a security guard counts it, twice, before the meal. Then afterwards, they count it again.
Check out that bussel. I have NO idea how women actually lived and dressed like everyday. It was so difficult to move around and breathe! There were so many layers, it was crazy. The bussel was ginormous and made it really difficult to ride in the car and sit down normally. It was still fun though!
Eli (and Ali) had their preschool Halloween party. They had a great time. They did lots of fun Halloween activities and got to truck-or-treat their moms! I'm so glad Eli gets to go to preschool with his cousin. Cousins are the best!!
Halloween was a blast! Eli was obviously a football player and Will was a zombie. We had fun with the boys. They did lots of fun stuff at Will's school and Eli and I had fun during the day waiting for Will to get home!
I had to teach my class at UVU on Halloween so I thought I would take a picture of my class. I decided I need to take one every semester so I can remember all my awesome students I've had. It has been such a fun experience, I hope I can continue to teach for many years to come! :)
It has become tradition to eat a spooky dinner with my sister and her kids. It was so fun and the kids LOVE it. My sister made all the spooky food, we just got to show up! :) Above we have - a Real soccer player, a ninja, Tangled, BYU football player, Zombie, and Superman.
Their off! Trick or treating was the highlight of their night. They loved it. Eli had a hard time keeping up with Will, but still loved every second. It was so fun to watch them run from house to house. It made for a late night, but it was still a fun time!
The day after Halloween is Scott's birthday. We surprised him at his office, where they had pizza and a birthday cake for him. It is always so fun to see him in is his element at work and how much his co-workers think of him and appreciate it amazing leadership. He's doing a great job, I'm really proud of him.
After Scott got off work, we went to do a little miniature golfing to celebrate the birthday boy's love. The little boys loved it! The big boy had fun too, and the wifey learned she's a pretty pathetic mini golfer, but we all had fun none the less.
It has been such a fun Fall! This morning it was blizzarding. I'm a little bit excited for a change of seasons, especially this time right before Christmas season begins. I was determined to plan ahead this year and I got almost all my Christmas shopping done (just a couple things left to find!) and I have our month of december planned out, our advent activities and parties, etc. It feels so good to be prepared, and have that out of my mind, so I can just really enjoy the season with my boys.
Life's Alive In Everything
3 days ago