Oh my goodness how life keeps going. Time seems to fly by at an alarming rate. The worst part is that I can't do anything about it! So, here's a little update from the past few months. The pictures are out of order, and I can't figure out how to change it, so I'll just go with it!
In June, my parents took all 8 of us kids and our spouses on a cruise to Alaska! It was amazing. We had such a fun time and loved it. The scenery is of course, beautiful. We had lots of laughs and lots of food and lots of fun together.
The Mendenhall glacier. It was really cool to see and it was amazing that the temperature dropped so drastically the closer you got to the water and the water fall. Brrrrr!
One of our excursions was the Yukon adventure. We rode a bus about 2 hours into the mountains. We saw a lot of gorgeous scenery and we saw several BEARS! We ate lunch at a yummy little stopping point and then rode the Whitepass railroad the rest of the way back to Skagway. The railroad was built during the gold rush era, so it was cool to learn about that history of Skagway.
Alaskan bears!
Ready to take off! The view of Seattle from the ship was amazing.
I got to spend my birthday on the boat! It was a memorable day for sure.
Above.... our first view of Juneau - Below.... our BINGO winners! Andy and Jenn won 500$ and GayLynn won 40$!
Juneau was one of my most favorite days on the cruise. After seeing the Glacier, we walked around, and rode the tram up to the top of a peak. We had an amazing view from the peak and had such a fun time hiking. It was beautiful, cold, and felt so fresh and clean!
This turquoise lake on our drive in the Yukon was of course my favorite. It really was breathtaking.
When we were in Ketchikan, we took a Tom Car excursion. It was a blast. It was rainy and muddy, and beautiful. We laughed the whole time!
Ketchikan also had the BEST popcorn we found on the trip! We sure like our popcorn. Lisa and I were laughing at how many bags we carried back on the boat. Don't worry we shared with everyone.
We've had lots of fun this Summer. We did a hike at Tibble Fork for FHE one night. The babies did great, both fell asleep. Sorry Sam, you aren't in the selfie!
Will and Eli had a fun summer as well. They took golf lessons and got to participate in the AF Canyon kids run.
I feel like this Summer the babies just grew like weeds! They started sitting, eating and crawling all during the Summer!
On the fourth of July, we did a 5K run together in Provo and then stayed for the parade. It was a lot of fun! My boys beat me easily!
On our Summer trip to the cabin, Scott took Will and Eli to river raft the Snake river in Jackson Hole. They went with Wes and his big kids. They had a blast!
I guess the biggest news of our family is that we moved! :( It was a surprise and has definitely been bitter sweet. Scott was transfered to the North Region, so we decided we needed to move. He is now over McKay-Dee, Logan, Bear River, and Cassia Hospitals. It was so hard saying good-bye to our new home, but we are excited for the new opportunities in front of us. We are renting at the moment and will be renting for a year or so, and then we are hoping to build again. We will probably build almost an identical home, we are working on the changes right now. Building again will be really exciting, we have the chance to change and improve the things we wished we had done in the first place!

Three days after moving, the big boys started school. Eli started First grade and Will started Fifth! They are growing up too fast. They have done amazing, I'm so proud of them. We are living (and planning to build) in Mountain Green. It is a hidden GEM! We absolutely LOVE it. It is about 10 minutes up Ogden canyon, towards Morgan. It is small, but has beautiful and nice neighborhoods. It is nestled in the mountains, 10 minutes to Snowbasin (great for skiing!!), and about 15 to Pineview reservoir. There are mountain biking trails, hiking, and beautiful mountains surrounding us. We are really excited to be here. Scott is only 15 minutes to the hospital, and it's only 10-15 for me to get anywhere I need to go (Groceries, gym, doctors, etc.).

The babies celebrated their FIRST birthday on Sept 7th. I really can't believe it has been a year. It is amazing to think about how far we have come. Thinking about them being born so early, and being in the NICU to now being so smart and strong and healthy. It is amazing! We had such a blast celebrating them. We did a "Wild Things" party for them.
They LOVED their cake. Finn dove in face first and had a smile on his face the whole time. Sam started slowly, and then was shoving bites in his mouth two fists at a time. They went at it for an hour and loved every minute of it!
Life is good. Life is exciting. It is constantly throwing us curve balls! The twins are growing so quickly and we are all obsessed with them. They are at such a fun age and the big boys are wonderful helpers. Scott enjoys his new job and I'm learning my way around. We are excited to get back into a home and hope everything works out.